Words Don’t Mean Anything Unless Confirmed By Deeds

Your words should always be accompanied by actions that show what you really feel. Otherwise, the words are meaningless, and you may as well be silent.
Words mean nothing unless confirmed by actions

If words are not confirmed by deeds, they mean nothing, they don’t count, they are words worthless . Undoubtedly, even in your circle of closest friends there are people who behave this way.

Being human means that from time to time our behavior differs from what is believed to be right. We make promises, we plan, and our words are garbed with great hopes and beautiful dreams.

But when the moment of truth or the time of need comes, there is a void. Everything said or promised evaporates, leaving mysterious smoke behind.

This gentle smoke slides through the open window. Then all you get is disappointment, emptiness, and distrust. As we constantly demand that others be consistent, responsible and respectful, it is important that we ourselves also show the same values ​​to the other person.

If you make a promise, keep it, if you love, prove it, if you don’t love, don’t lie. We suggest that you reflect on this for a moment today.

Words without value and personal responsibility

Things like positive parenting, healthy self-esteem, and respect for the other person are usually put into practice without much awareness as it is your personal responsibility.

Since you are a child, you realize the power of words. There are sentences that hurt and there are sentences that help you mature and be more confident.

But one of the most important aspects of raising children is showing them support and letting them know that they are capable of more than they think they can do.

Colored stones and words

Also, if you promise your child something, you should keep your word. If you don’t, you’ll create some kind of void until at some point your child stops trusting you.

Your words aren’t just for conveying information. You also use them to create a correlation between what you say and what you do. That is why it is so important that you stay in harmony.

If you love me, prove it

Love is more than just words. An intimate relationship cannot develop solely on the basis of promises and sweet words.

  • A relationship primarily consists of daily activities that together form a harmonious whole.
  • It is a universe where all words turn into actions, where the two halves are bold and take risks for each other.
  • If you love, act. If you love, stand up for it.
  • Something else: If you mean something to the person you love in any way, be it romantic, family or friendly, you should show your love through trust and unconditional support.

How To Deal With “Promise Breakers”

As everyone knows, there are professional “promise breakers. These people are skilled in the art of vain, false, and worthless words.

  • It may happen that it will be someone in your family, or even one day your partner may match this profile.
  • They make you believe things that will never come true. So much so that sometimes you even start believing their excuses, until you realize that their only priority is their own person.

These kinds of bonds can turn out to be very dangerous.

All they offer is a long wait, a false hope. You endure until a certain point because you love or are attached. But ultimately, the deepest emotions that remain are your emptiness and the loneliness born of words that mean nothing.

The little girl with a string and the words

How should you behave in such situations?

  • Someone may fail you once, twice or even a third time. But when + becomes routine, it’s time to take action.
  • Demand consistency. If someone tells you every day how much he respects, appreciates and loves you – but you know that they are never there when you need them – do not trust them.

Whoever wants to be with you will be with you “for better or worse”.

First of all, try to practice what you expect from others. Support, appreciate and show affection every day to those you love, without waiting for special moments.

If the people around you are professional “promise breakers” or masters of worthless words, keep some distance between you.

A woman's shattered glass face and words

The price you pay for this type of toxic bond is very high and destructive. As we well know, this type of person is very dynamic and will always appear in your everyday life.

There are so many of them that at some point you will produce an “intuitive radar” that you can use anytime, anywhere to spot these types of people, those smoke and mirror vendors, those tricksters of worthless words.

No matter what, always stay away from these types of people.

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