Why Is It Worth Soaking Nuts And Seeds? Which Are The Most Valuable For Health?

Both dried fruits and seeds provide our body with many valuable benefits. However, if we soak them in water beforehand, the strength of their impact on the cells of our body will increase and they will be even more effective.
Why is it worth soaking nuts and seeds?  Which are the most valuable for health?

Nuts and seeds are food products that should not be missing in our daily diet. They are a valuable source of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

In addition, nuts  and seeds are the healthiest snacks that you can eat at any time of the day. Thanks to them, you will avoid snacking on sweets and unhealthy salty crackers and crisps. Nuts and various seeds are a guarantee that you will feel full longer and will easily survive until the next meal.

Discover the wonderful properties of nuts and seeds and find out why you should soak them in water before eating them. We invite you to read!

Nuts and seeds are a treasure for our body

Dried fruits, dried fruit, nuts and seeds have been present in the human food pyramid for millennia. These natural products are a source of energy and valuable nutrients. You should consume them regularly, but in small amounts.

  • They are a rich source of vegetable protein, which perfectly eliminates the negative consequences of consuming animal protein for the body. For this reason, nuts and seeds are especially recommended for children and athletes. However, this does not mean that others should not eat them. On the contrary.
  • They provide the body with a daily dose of healthy fats – necessary to maintain a healthy body weight.
  • They contain huge amounts of dietary fiber, which greatly improves intestinal function and helps prevent gas, constipation and other digestive disorders in a natural way.
  • They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals valuable for the body.

Which nuts and seeds are the healthiest?

Currently, we have a huge range of nuts and seeds to choose from. Reach for the ones you like the most as often as possible.

Nuts and seeds

Each of them has different properties and is a source of different nutrients.


  • Pine nuts. They are distinguished by a high content of vitamin B1.
  • Italian nuts. They fantastically improve brain functions, memory and concentration.
  • Hazelnuts. They naturally regulate blood sugar levels and also facilitate the excretion of unnecessary metabolic products from the body.
  • Almonds. They provide excellent support for breastfeeding women and provide the body with vitamin E and calcium.
  • Macadamia nuts. They are characterized by a high content of healthy fatty acids.
  • Brazil nuts. They are a natural source of selenium.
  • Pistachio nuts. They are a valuable source of iron, and therefore they perfectly prevent anemia and are also a strong support in the treatment of this disease.
  • Cashews: They are rich in magnesium, a mineral that strengthens the body’s muscular and nervous systems.


  • Sunflower seeds. They are a valuable source of vitamin B1, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Pumpkin seeds. They are one of the best natural remedies against parasites. They are indispensable mainly for men, because they perfectly care for the health of the prostate.
  • Sesame seeds. They are the best vegetable source of calcium. Perfect for vegans as a substitute for dairy products.
  • Linseed. It is a valuable source of unsaturated fatty acids that care for the health and beauty of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Chia seeds. They support the functions of the intestines, also help to remove metabolic waste products and greatly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Don’t forget to soak the nuts and seeds in water!

By eating them raw, we prevent our body from absorbing some minerals and proteins. Thus, we slow down and hinder digestive processes. If we immerse them in water for a few hours, we will make digestion easier for our body  and additionally activate the process of seed germination.

Pistachio nuts, nuts

Below, we list the appropriate soaking time for each seed:

  • Almonds: 12 hours
  • Chia seeds and flaxseeds: 2 hours
  • Walnuts and Hazelnuts: 8 hours
  • Pumpkin and sesame seeds: 6 hours
  • Sunflower seeds: 4 hours
  • Pine nuts, pistachios, kidney nuts, Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts: do not require soaking

After germination is activated, we can roast soaked nuts and seeds. Thanks to this, we will enhance their taste and, moreover, they will become pleasantly crunchy.

It is worth noting that, after soaking, flaxseed and chia seeds begin to secrete jelly-like mucus, which has a very positive effect on digestive processes. The healthiest form of consumption is to mix them together with the mucus.

Eating nuts and seeds – how and when?

Although nuts and seeds can be eaten at any time of the day, we would like to advise you on which meals they are best suited to. Make sure that you have them on your menu every day!

Delicacies and dried fruit, nuts
  • They are an excellent addition to breakfast cereals or porridge.
  • Prepare a homemade cocoa cream sweetened with honey with their addition.
  • They enrich the taste and nutritional value of natural juices, as well as cocktails and porridge.
  • Roasted and ground nuts and seeds fantastically enrich the taste of salad dressings and dressings.
  • Ground into flour, they add nutritional value to cakes, biscuits and cookies.
  • They also make a fantastic addition to home plant drinks.
  • They are a great addition to desserts. Get baked apples with nuts or an orange with honey and almond flakes.
  • We can also grow sprouts of various seeds and add them to various dishes and starters.
  • In addition, roasted sesame seeds with the addition of ground sea salt is a natural product known as gomasio. This spice perfectly enriches the taste and aroma of rice and pasta dishes.

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