Wheezing – How To Cure It Naturally?

To relieve wheezing and prevent it from lowering the quality of our daily life, we can resort to natural remedies. Thanks to their unblocking and anti-inflammatory properties, they will help us feel better.
Wheezing - how to cure it naturally?

Wheezing is a condition that affects many people. Usually, it is also accompanied by rapid, shallow breathing and a feeling of breathlessness. If it is not treated in time, it can even lead to breathing difficulties.

In today’s article, we’ll tell you about how you can reduce wheezing with natural remedies .

Wheezing – what is it?

Boy with inhalation

If the body’s gas exchange is not working properly, one of the first symptoms will be feeling short of breath and lack of air. We have the impression that we are “drowning”.

Some also experience dizziness and a feeling of weakness and lethargy. This is because we lack oxygen throughout the body and, above all, in the brain.

Other possible symptoms associated with this condition include:

  • Nocturnal bouts of coughing
  • A watery runny nose
  • Pain in the chest
  • Cold chills
  • Fever

The first and foremost cause of wheezing is asthma. This disease causes an overly intense reaction of our immune system to any irritant or allergen.

As a result, our airways become inflamed, swollen, and air cannot pass easily. The use of tobacco products, viral infections and bronchitis are also important in this situation.

Whistling – Home Remedies for Relief

If we suffer from wheezing, it is worth reaching for the available home remedies as soon as possible. They will bring us relief and help prevent our situation from worsening.

We recommend the following home remedies:

1. Sage

It is a medicinal plant that is great for treating respiratory infections. It brings immediate relief and perfectly clears the respiratory tract. This is due to the properties that stimulate the expectoration of phlegm and fight inflammation.

In order to take full advantage of the healing properties of this plant, it is worth taking white sage inhalations.


  • 5 tablespoons of white sage leaves (50 g)
  • Water (required amount)

Manner of execution

  • Place the white sage in a container of water and bring to a boil.
  • When the water is hot, bring your face close to the pot. Be careful not to burn yourself. You can cover your head with a towel. This increases the effectiveness of inhalation.
  • You can do the same with eucalyptus leaves.

2. Garlic

Garlic is certainly one of the super-products that should be used as often as possible. When it comes to wheezing, it’s worth taking advantage of the antioxidants contained in this plant. They are anti-inflammatory.

Garlic as a remedy for wheezing
  • As if that were not enough, garlic is a natural antibiotic and helps us heal viral infections.
  • It acts as a natural decongestant to reduce inflammation that causes troublesome discomfort.
  • Go ahead and reach for garlic in raw form, adding it to your salads. If you feel like it, you can also eat it on an empty stomach. Garlic also works well in soups and medicinal decoctions.

3. Turmeric

It is one of the most popular spices. It comes from India. In addition to being great for a variety of oriental dishes (giving them a beautiful color and fragrance), it can also be useful as a natural remedy for wheezing symptoms.

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that has been used in natural medicine since antiquity to treat respiratory diseases.


  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of water (5 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Place the turmeric in a container and add some water to it.
  • Mix thoroughly to get a homogeneous paste.
  • Apply to the chest just like a warming ointment.
  • Then cover your chest with a hot towel and try to hold this position for about 10 minutes. You will surely feel relieved.

4. Ginger

  • Ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that will help us relieve wheezing and other respiratory ailments.
  • One of the active ingredients of ginger, gingerol, has the properties of relaxing the muscles of the chest. It brings great relief from breathlessness and wheezing. Thanks to this amazing plant, we will be able to breathe fully.
  • It would be best to grate a little ginger root and put it in a salad, soup or medicinal infusion. In this way, you will take full advantage of its properties.
  • Due to the intense and slightly spicy taste of ginger, its quantity should be kept in moderation. Not everyone is able to eat a lot of it.

5. Mustard seeds

Another very effective remedy to cure wheezing is ground mustard seeds. They perfectly clear the airways, improving the health of the respiratory system and reducing the annoying symptoms of asthma. They can be used just like turmeric.


  • 2 tablespoons of mustard seeds (20 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of water (10 g)

A method of preparing

  • Put the mustard seeds and water in the mortar.
  • Crush thoroughly until you get a uniform paste.
  • Lubricate your chest with this remedy.
  • Then cover with a hot towel (as hot as you can handle it).
  • Leave for about 15 minutes.

If possible, you can also use mustard essential oil. You can buy it in herbal and health food stores. Before applying it to the skin of the chest, it is recommended to heat the oil. It is worthwhile to massage with circular movements when applying.

6. Figs

These fruits are not only delicious and healthy. It turns out that they can also positively affect the health of our respiratory system. They help us remove phlegm and secretions that build up in the airways.

If we reach for them regularly, we will feel relief if we experience wheezing or asthma.

  • It is recommended to eat figs on an empty stomach at least three times a week.

7. Onion

  • It has properties similar to garlic. It is an ideal remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases.
  • Onion stimulates the expectoration of phlegm deposits in the respiratory tract. Therefore, it clears them perfectly.
  • Moreover, this plant is a natural antibiotic that strengthens the body’s immune system.
  • You can eat it raw, add it to salads, and even leave an onion cut in half in your room to inhale its essential oils.

8. Honey

This natural remedy has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties. It is a good remedy for the overall health of the body.

It works great for fighting bacteria that cause coughing and for reducing wheezing.

What’s more, honey supports our immune system and helps eliminate the secretions that accumulate in the airways.

  • Just one teaspoon of honey in daily drunk infusions is enough to enjoy all the properties of honey.
  • If you prefer to eat honey directly, feel free to eat one teaspoon of this sweet remedy in the morning on an empty stomach and another at bedtime.

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