Watering A Child In Summer

Watering the baby in the summer

How do I know how much water my baby needs? While it seems simple to quantify, the answer is not always that obvious. See how baby watering in the summer looks like .

Watering a child in summer is similar to other times of the year, but at the same time sometimes requires a special approach.

Situations such as diarrhea and vomiting, especially in the summer, require extreme caution and thus a greater consumption of water. Do you want to know what aspects should be considered and how to prevent dehydration of the smallest member of the family? Read on.

Summer hydration and care of the baby’s skin

First of all, it is important to properly moisturize the skin of babies for optimal hydration.

Indeed, the Spanish Society of Clinical Immunology, Allergy and Asthma Children (SEICAP) explains that prevents atopic dermatitis. It is a condition characterized, among other things, by problems with dry skin that lead to injury and the risk of infection.

Hydrate your baby every day

In good weather, your baby’s hydration is partly related to the type of feeding. While infants who are breastfed have their water needs met, those fed with formula or infant formula should receive a small additional ration.

Watering the baby in the summer

From the age of 6 months, your doctor may advise you to start a complementary diet with fruit and vegetables. While these foods already contain water, additional water intake is also recommended to help make your little one get into a habit.

How much is a lot and how much is little?

While knowing the necessary amount of baby water may seem like a simple task, it is not always the case. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary to obtain a clear answer.

How is the exact amount of water required calculated? According to a study by Miguel Angel Rodríguez-Weber and his colleagues:

Child drinking water

In addition, the authors of the study mentioned above emphasize that water requirements can be calculated on the basis of calories consumed (100 ml per 100 kcal). Accordingly, they also warn that the higher the air temperature, the higher the water consumption should be.

It is different when the children are older. Adding extra water should also be considered when infants are under more vigorous physical activity. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to satisfy this need with sweet or energizing drinks.

Some common mistakes with your baby drinking water

Newborns, as scientists confirm, may experience complications due to improper preparation of formula milk. In this context, it is important to clarify any doubts. Bad practice can lead to problems with excess or malnutrition.

Also, if the food formula is more concentrated than stated on the packet, it can lead to dehydration and hypernatremia, which corresponds to an increase in sodium in the blood.

Some signs that indicate possible dehydration in your baby

When signs of dehydration occur in infants, identifying them early is very important. Therefore, specialists warn against the following symptoms:

  • restlessness, sleepiness or irritability
  • cold or sweaty skin
  • low energy level,
  • weakness and drowsiness,
  • deficiency or absence of tears when crying; in addition, crying may also be lower in tone than normal ,
  • dry mouth or tongue
  • sunken eyes, as is the soft area (fontanel) of the head
  • reduced amount of urine, which is additionally more concentrated.

Dehydration is a problem that can have serious consequences for an infant. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the presence of the above symptoms, you should consult a specialist who will assess the situation.

Child irrigation and its development

Your child’s water needs, especially in summer, should not be ignored. Drinking too little is just as harmful as exceeding the intake. In both cases, potential damage to the body can occur.

Therefore , it is necessary to consult the child’s water requirements with a doctor. Moreover, it is recommended that you never skip it when there is any doubt. Good care for babies is an essential element of their proper development.

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