Venous Spiders – 8 Methods Of Prevention

Did you know that putting one leg over one leg and wearing tight trousers and high heels are conducive to the formation of venous spider veins and other ailments related to blood circulation disorders in the legs?
Venous spider veins - 8 methods of prevention

Venous spiders are small blood vessels with an intense red or purple color. They arise as a result of excessive expansion of the capillaries and surface veins of the legs.

Although venous spider veins may be the first stage of varicose veins formation, they often disappear spontaneously without causing inflammation or serious disturbances in blood circulation in the lower extremities.

The problem of venous spider veins and varicose veins mainly affects women in their twenties. Women who lead a sedentary lifestyle and those who have been struggling with overweight or obesity for years are particularly susceptible to disorders of the venous circulation in the legs.

Another cause of venous spider veins may be genetic conditions and daily habits unhealthy for the circulatory system, such as wearing too tight shoes, tight pants, frequent putting on one leg and staying in strongly heated rooms.

Venous spider veins – how can we prevent them?

Although venous spider veins are a common problem that occurs in a huge number of people – both men and women – you can fight it naturally without having to undergo expensive cosmetic procedures.

Remember that the extended veins on the legs do not pose a threat to the health of our body. However, if we neglect them and do not change our lifestyle to a more active one, they can turn into dangerous and dangerous for the circulatory system varicose veins.

Start taking care of your health from today and introduce into your daily routine 8 habits that will perfectly take care of proper blood circulation in the extremities. They will also help prevent the formation of painful and unsightly varicose veins.

Learn the best natural methods to eliminate and treat minor spider veins, and best practices of prevention of disorders of blood circulation in the legs .

1. Regular physical activity

Exercising woman

Remember that venous spider veins are the result of lack of exercise and blood circulation disorders in the lower parts of the body. Thanks to regular physical exercise, we are able to naturally prevent inflammation in the surface veins and capillaries .


  • Spend at least half an hour of physical activity each day. Try to do aerobic sports that are great for strengthening the cardiovascular system of the body.
  • Spend at least 10 minutes of exercise for your legs during exercise. They strengthen muscles and improve the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Go on a long bike trip three times a week.
  • Make a habit of walking for at least 20 minutes every day.

2. Maintain a healthy body weight

Are you struggling with or obesity? Get mobilized as soon as possible and lose unnecessary kilograms. They are the main cause of not only spider veins and varicose veins, but also disorders of the circulatory system and the entire cardiovascular system.

So try to keep track of your body weight. If necessary, go on a diet and do whatever you can to get rid of excess body fat. Thanks to healthy daily habits, you will achieve a healthy weight  and overall health of your body after just a few weeks or months.


  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet and control your intake of unhealthy fats and sugars.
  • Avoid eating fast food and highly processed foods.
  • Try to eat small meals up to five times a day.
  • Take care of your daily dose of physical activity.
  • Increase your water intake. The recommended dose is two liters of water a day.

3. Avoid cross-legging

Woman on the couch

So try to avoid cross-legging for long periods of time. Remember that this position blocks the proper blood flow in the extremities and becomes one of the main causes of inflammation of the veins and capillaries.


  • Pay particular attention to the position of the legs when sitting. Many of us unknowingly put our feet on our feet and spend long hours in such a position. The healthiest position is when both feet rest firmly on the ground.
  • If you spend all day at your desk, try to get up every now and then and take a short walk, and do a few exercises to stretch your leg muscles.

4. Heels – only wear them on special occasions

Although high heels add elegance to women and style the figure, it should be remembered that it is the beloved heels that are one of the main reasons for the formation of unsightly spider veins and dark purple varicose veins on the legs.

If you are used to wearing high-heeled shoes every day, you have to reckon with the fact that sooner or later an ugly mesh of broken veins and spider veins will appear on your legs.

The high-heeled foot prevents the leg muscles from working properly and blocks the proper blood circulation in the lower limbs. If you want your legs to be healthy and beautiful, you should definitely give up wearing high-heeled shoes.

So only wear high heels on special occasions, and wear comfortable flat-heeled shoes on a daily basis. Your legs will thank you for it, and the spider veins will disappear as he took away with his hand.


  • Only wear high-heeled shoes on special occasions, from time to time.
  • If you choose to wear heels, try not to make them too high.
  • At the end of your high-heeled day, lift your feet up high and give a gentle massage to restore circulation to your limbs.

5. Improve circulation with apple cider vinegar

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a valuable source of compounds with anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. It contains natural ingredients that improve blood circulation and support the functioning of the body’s lymphatic system.


  • Mix a small amount of apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water and massage your feet and legs with the solution. Massage your legs for about five minutes.
  • You can also mix apple cider vinegar with water and apply it to inflamed veins and capillaries as a compress.
  • Repeat the treatment with apple cider vinegar every evening. The first results should appear after a few days.

6. Avoid wearing tight clothes

Although tight-fitting clothes emphasize a woman’s figure beautifully, they should only be worn occasionally or not completely. Fabrics that stick to the body, especially trousers or leggings, contribute to the weakening of blood circulation in the limbs and hinder the work of the lymphatic system.

If you only wear tight jeans from time to time, don’t worry. However, remember that wearing this type of clothing on a daily basis may lead to cardiovascular disorders and the appearance of unsightly spider veins and varicose veins under the skin.


  • Avoid wearing tight jeans.
  • Choose loose and airy fabrics where your legs will feel good all day long.

7. Learn about the healing properties of aloe

Aloe gel

The crystalline gel from the inside of the aloe vera leaves is a rich source of nourishing and moisturizing substances. They perfectly fight the inflammation of the veins and help to reduce the visibility of unsightly venous changes just below the surface of the skin. Venous spider veins will disappear from your legs with the help of aloe vera.


  • Take out the clear gel from the aloe vera leaf, and then apply it to the skin of the legs with broken veins. Rub the gel like a cream and leave it on the skin until it is completely absorbed.
  • Use aloe ointment twice a day – morning and evening.

8. Start your day with a glass of lemon water

A glass of water with lemon juice on an empty stomach perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and other harmful substances that penetrate into the tissues and cells of our body every day.

What’s more, lemon water naturally helps to deacidify the blood and cleanse the walls of blood vessels of cholesterol deposits. Remember that clean and springy veins are a guarantee of the proper functioning of the circulatory system.


  • Each morning, drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice (200 ml). Consuming this drink on an empty stomach increases its cleansing power.
  • Have a second cup of lukewarm lemon water in the afternoon.

Are you concerned about the aesthetic aspect of your legs? Do not hesitate and include these habits in your daily routine from today. Thanks to them, you will avoid unpleasant problems related to blood circulation. You will also make the venous spider veins disappear from your legs once and for all!

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