Unblock Veins And Arteries With 10 Products – Step To Health

Although all red fruits are rich in antioxidants, the pomegranate has the highest concentration of antioxidants. Not only can it help us to cleanse the arteries and veins, but it will also help to prevent atherosclerosis.
Unblock veins and arteries with 10 products

Nutrition undoubtedly affects our health and can improve it as well as worsen it. Over time, certain substances can block the veins  and arteries, causing circulation problems and cardiovascular disease that can even lead to death.

Fortunately, there are products that help cleanse your  veins  and arteries, and including them in your daily diet will help you avoid many diseases.

Unblock veins and arteries with 10 products

Research shows that atherosclerosis is the most common cause of death in the world . It is a very serious disease that weakens the immune system and puts the person at risk of infections.

In addition to atherosclerosis, blocked veins and arteries also lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Since you already know that healthy eating is the key to preventing this type of disease, you will certainly be interested in the following list of 10 products that will help you cleanse the veins and arteries.


Garlic is a definite leader in the ranking of products that will take care of the health of your blood vessels. It is a very powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and also helps lower bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol.

This makes blood flow easier and hypertension is no longer a problem.

Oat flakes

We recommend this product especially for breakfast, because in addition to many advantages for your digestive system, it will also provide you with energy for the whole day.

By eating oatmeal, you prevent cholesterol from accumulating on the walls of the blood vessels, thus avoiding diseases such as atherosclerosis.


Apples contain substances called pectins which, according to Liz Applegate of the University of California, act as fiber by attaching to cholesterol.

Green apples

In addition, they are also rich in flavonoids, which can reduce the risk of heart disease by as much as 50%.


Fish is an excellent source of fatty acids such as omega-3.  They are needed by our body for the proper functioning and free flow of blood. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, cod, sardines and trout have the best effect of this type. It is worth reaching for them.


The main ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which has a great effect on the health of our heart.


Studies have shown that this substance makes the  veins  and arteries less likely to get blocked and damaged.


These green leaves are rich in vitamins A and C which, according to many studies, prevent oxidation of cholesterol and diseases such as atherosclerosis.


Nuts are another remedy for blocked  veins  and arteries . Thanks to the content of saturated fat and omega-3 acid, they help to cleanse the blood vessels and ensure the health of the circulatory system.

A mix of nuts

The best for your health are hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts and pecans.

olive oil

Among the many health properties of olive oil, its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system deserves special attention. This product is not so easily oxidized. This prevents the veins  and arteries from getting blocked by cholesterol. This helps to protect the veins. Therefore, use oil as often as possible.


Tomatoes are a very important source of lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents cholesterol from sticking to the walls of your blood vessels.

Fresh tomatoes

They are an important part of the diet. According to experts, by eating tomatoes, you cleanse your veins and arteries every day, thus avoiding congestion.

Pomegranate juice

Scientific research has proven that pomegranate juice has a much higher antioxidant content than other juices. It is better than juices such as currant, blueberry or orange. Therefore, it is definitely worth reaching for it.

Experiments on rats have shown that pomegranate juice is effective in preventing damage to blood vessels and unblocking veins and arteries, thus protecting us against atherosclerosis.

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