Toxic Family And Disorders Caused By

One of the problems with toxic families is that they pass on all their problems and difficulties to their little ones. This makes them, in turn, vulnerable in adulthood and unable to take care of themselves properly.
Toxic family and the disorders it causes

Are you one of those people who were accompanied by a toxic family during the first years of life and adolescence? Know that you are not alone. A toxic family is much more common than you think. We often do not even realize that we belong to one.

Living with such a family is not easy. Certain types of toxicity cannot be avoided because you cannot escape your family. But did you know that it’s not just about well-being? It turns out that a toxic family can cause emotional and mental disorders. It is a difficult topic, but definitely worth mentioning.

Toxic family and mental disorders

toxic family and mental disorders

Family is a very important part of life. It is in the family, as children, that we discover the world, learn, take the first steps and acquire the skills necessary to communicate with others and cope with life.

There are many types of family. Broken and overprotective families can negatively affect the psyche of the youngest, causing mental disorders in adulthood, the origin of which is very difficult for them to determine later.

For this reason, we will focus on some interesting aspects of family relationships later in this article. We’ll see what the connection really is between family toxicity and mental and personality disorders.

1. The Pygmalion Effect, or a self-fulfilling prophecy

Have you ever heard the phrase “self-fulfilling prophecy”? What is this phenomenon about? Well, children, under the influence of their parents, assume certain roles. How does it work in practice? Everything that a parent wants from a child or, on the contrary, fears, has a great chance of becoming a reality.

That’s why all the patches we put on kids like “But you’re lazy”, “You have a bad character”, “Why do you never clean?” Have a great influence on children and their behavior.

Most family members are unaware that it has a great influence on the present and future lives of their children. He does not realize that if they stick any label to the child, this patch will permanently “grow” into the child, even the youngest. In this way, the toxic family contaminates the child’s behavior with their words and their attitude.

2. A toxic family and their love that kills

Woman in a cage

There is a sentence that parents say very often and with great pleasure to their children: “No one will love you more than we do.”

If a child takes it to heart and understands it literally, it can have long-term effects on them. Though he felt no love and security, he may begin to explain his parents’ behavior by saying, “They did it for my good.” Then they will accept their fate without complaining.

The biggest problem is that a child thus taught learns to remain silent in the face of even the most extreme situations, such as abuse and psychological abuse.

The most important thing is to realize that love in a family is not necessarily healthy. Just. The fact that it is love does not mean that it does not hurt, hurt or leave a scar in the soul. Family is not good just because it is family. Sometimes it is toxic and we have the right to admit it openly.


3. Overprotective parents

Overprotection can have many negative effects, including emotional dependence, which will accompany young people even into adulthood.

You need to maintain a healthy balance and never allow yourself to go to the limit. We cannot allow overprotection to emerge in our family.

Do you want a child who lacks confidence? Hidden, skittish and vulnerable? The roots of such behavior, and even more dangerous disorders, lie precisely in overprotection. It’s very hard to get out of there after that. Everything we live through as a child leaves its mark on us.

 4. Imposed desires and fears

How many times do we see a couple in crisis who are able to focus on the needs of the child? Although we are reluctant to admit it, there are times when relationship problems engage us so much that we ignore our children and their needs. Yet the crisis is also having a negative impact on children.

Many families burden their youngest with their problems and anxieties. This puts children under enormous pressure that they should never be exposed to. The children are in no way to blame for the problems of the adults.


A toxic family and its effects have far-reaching consequences. It can cause depression, personality disorders, addictions and other problems that, like demons of the past, accompany us throughout our adult life.

Do you think you belong to a toxic family? What problems did this cause for you? Families are not chosen, but you can stay aware and not repeat the implanted patterns while raising your own children.

Think about your children. Their problems are as important as yours.

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