Tooth Hurts? Here Are 6 Possible Causes

Often in the case of toothache, it is enough to change your habits to make the pain and discomfort go away. However, if the situation worsens, it is worth going to the dentist as soon as possible so as not to risk further consequences.
Tooth hurts?  Here are 6 possible causes

A aching  tooth  is one of the most onerous and painful ailments that can happen to us. In comparison, drilling and other treatments carried out later by the dentist can be pure pleasure!

Fortunately, the only way to get a sore  tooth  is to remove it. In many cases, it is enough to change habits and proper oral hygiene. Do you want to learn more about the causes of toothache? Read this article and find out about 6 of the most common reasons.

1. Aching tooth? It may be because you brush too hard

One of the most common causes of toothache is brushing your teeth too hard or using a toothbrush that is too hard.

Brushing your teeth too aggressively can damage the gums and even expose the root. The first symptom of such a problem is hypersensitivity to cold and warm foods and drinks.


Such a process cannot be reversed, so it is worth focusing on prevention and taking care of healthy habits that will allow us to avoid such a problem.

If you already suffer from erosions and hypersensitivity, be sure to visit a dentist who will find a solution that is right for you. Sometimes it is possible to prepare an artificial gum shield that is inconspicuous but effectively avoids pain and discomfort when eating and drinking.

Invest in an electric toothbrush or choose one with appropriately soft bristles.

2. Former trauma or injury

Any previous trauma or damage may later make the tooth hurt. It very often happens that we do not even know about a tooth or gum injury and it does not manifest itself until some time later. Almost any trauma to the face or mouth can affect your teeth.

So if you have had an accident, you’d better have an X-ray immediately to avoid any later consequences.

3. Periodontitis and other periodontal diseases

The skin surrounding the tooth, as well as the gum, can develop an infection and this can also cause pain and discomfort. This problem most often affects people over 30 and middle-aged. Periodontal disease is related to the development of microbes and bacteria between the teeth and at the gums.

Bleeding gums

When these microorganisms multiply, the immune system is not always able to fight them effectively.

Periodontal diseases are caused by, among others:

  • ache
  • gum bleeding
  • reddening of the gums
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth
  • suppuration

If you suffer from any of the periodontal diseases, be sure to take care of your oral hygiene. Of course, brushing can be painful, but proper cleaning of this area is essential in order to treat the oral disease. Lack of hygiene can even lead to abscess formation.

In more severe cases, a visit to the dentist may be necessary to clean the infected area in the mouth and around the tooth tissue. The dentist will also prescribe you an antibiotic and mouthwash, which will help you overcome the infection faster and easier.

4. Excessive pressure on the tooth while sleeping

Have you ever heard from your partner that you grind your teeth at night? If this happens, it means that you are putting excessive pressure on your teeth during sleep, and it can be causing pain and discomfort during the day.

Excessive pressure on the teeth can damage the enamel and even lead to dental cavities. Be sure to visit a dentist who will check the outside and inside of the teeth for damage.

Don’t wait until the pain becomes unbearable. Even if the problem is not too serious yet, the dentist will recommend you to use a special device that will stop you from grinding your teeth in your sleep.

If the matter turns out to be serious, the dentist may have to remove the damaged tooth and replace it with an artificial one. It sounds a bit scary, but believe me, this is one of the better options.

5. Broken tooth

Another cause of toothache can be damage to the tooth – chipping or even breaking. How can such an injury occur?

Sometimes a tooth bite or blow can break a tooth. In this situation, the pain will worsen when drinking or eating hot or cold things. In many cases, a fracture or chip will even be visible to the naked eye.


If you’re not sure what’s going on with your tooth, it’s best to go to a dentist who will arrange an x-ray and find a solution.

Do not delay visiting a specialist, as this can lead to further tooth destruction and other consequences. It is also worth emphasizing that in a broken tooth it is easier to create cavities.

Do you have a toothache? Act immediately!

There are many possible causes of toothache and as many solutions. Fortunately, a visit to the dentist will allow you to get rid of most of your dental problems in a quick and almost painless way. Make an appointment as soon as possible to control the situation in time.

By ignoring a slight pain and discomfort today, you could put yourself at risk of much more serious ailments in the future.

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