The Secret Of Baking Soda And Its Surprising Properties

Homemade mouthwash based on baking soda effectively removes bacteria that accumulate in the mouth and speeds up the healing of minor wounds. Moreover, it helps to maintain healthy and strong tooth enamel.
The secret of baking soda and its surprising properties

If you haven’t found out by now that your home should never run out of baking soda, then this article is for you. We usually have this white powder at home, but we don’t really know how to get the most out of its amazing properties.

You’ve probably used baking soda only for culinary purposes, especially for baking of various kinds. It will surprise you, then, that this product, technically known as sodium hydrocarbon, has thousands of other uses, more or less known.

Few of us know that with the help of baking soda, we can naturally and effectively take care of our health. This white powder has many healing properties in its tiny grains.

Today we would like to introduce you to them a bit and tell you how to use sodium hydrocarbon for the sake of health, beauty and cleanliness of the house.

Isn’t it amazing that such a cheap and widely available product that we have at our fingertips every day can become one of the greatest allies in many everyday situations?

Learn about the properties of baking soda

The main feature of baking soda is its antacid properties. Hence, this substance is extremely popular in laboratories, where it is widely used as the best neutralizing product.

A teaspoon of baking soda and lemon

So the question arises: how does baking soda affect our body? Well, it neutralizes the pH of the stomach filled with hydrochloric acid.

Therefore, this white powder is famous for its healing power against heartburn and other unpleasant stomach ailments.

Baking soda irreplaceable when cleaning

We have already written many times that baking soda is an extremely useful natural cleanser. Without a doubt, it cannot be missing from any household.

Gloves cleaning the kitchen

After the first use, you will appreciate the disinfecting and odor-neutralizing properties of baking soda yourself . With its help, you will effectively remove bacteria from kitchen countertops and bathroom nooks and crannies.

In addition, you will remove any unpleasant odors, refresh white surfaces, clean household appliances, and you can even successfully use a baking soda solution as an excellent natural dishwashing liquid.

Medicinal uses of baking soda

  • Baking soda is commonly used as a natural antacid. It is used in the treatment of all kinds of stomach ailments, such as heartburn, indigestion, stomach ulcers, etc.
  • Sodium hydrocarbon solution is also a great support during the treatment of kidney stones, excess uric acid in the body or acidosis (acidemia).
  • As an ingredient in a first aid kit, baking soda helps prevent blistering and unsightly scarring from burns of any kind.
  • The 1: 1 mixture of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda has extremely strong skin lightening properties. It is enough to put it on stains and skin spots that have arisen over the years. See for yourself that the results are surprising.
A woman doing a peeling
  • The white powder is also effective in relieving the itching and pain associated with urticaria cases, as well as all kinds of stings, bites and insect bites.
  • A solution of baking soda in water can also successfully replace a pharmacy mouthwash.
  • Bacteria constantly developing in our mouth contribute to the change of pH to acidic and to excessive “wear” of tooth enamel. If you want to keep your teeth healthy, brush them several times a day with baking soda and rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda and water.
  • You can also fight diaper dermatitis naturally with sodium hydrocarbon. Fill the tub with water and add a pinch of baking soda to it. Such a bath will help reduce skin irritation and bring your baby almost immediate relief.
  • Baking soda helps relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infections. A solution of soda with water effectively eliminates unpleasant burning and itching when urinating. This relief is due to the alkalizing properties of this white powder.

At the end

As we can see, baking soda is used in almost all spheres of our daily life. Therefore, it is always worth having it at home.

Remember that this white powder is a 100% natural substance. Its action does not cause any side effects, and its uses are so many that it could be enumerated endlessly.

Do you already know all the properties of baking soda? If you discover any that we have never written about before, please share them with us. They will surely prove invaluable to many of us!

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