The People Around You Are Your Own Mirror

Have you ever thought that the behavior of others that irritates you so much affects you in such a way because it is one of your weaknesses?
The people around you are your own mirror

Did you know that the people around you are like a mirror for you and reflect your personality very effectively? You may never have realized it, but by connecting with others, you are actually coming into contact with yourself.

Let us take an example. It is true that there are human behaviors that your friends can’t stand, when they don’t irritate you at all? This is because they see a part of themselves in someone else’s behavior, which simply annoys them.

The problem is that you very often believe that the fact that the people around you irritate you through their own fault. First mistake.

If they weren’t a mirror for us, if they didn’t reveal our own weaknesses, we would simply ignore their behavior. However, because they touch our tender string, they can move us …

The people around you are your mirror, use it well

At first glance, it may sound a bit scary to say that the people around you are your mirror. However, it is a great opportunity to see what is really inside of us and to heal what needs repair.

For example, if you are disturbed by someone constantly criticizing others, and you really can’t take it anymore, watch out! It is possible that you are extremely strict with yourself, you have too much expectations and you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Another painful point: If you have suffered from infidelity (a partner, friend or family member) and it happens repeatedly, consider whether you are being unfaithful to yourself. Ask yourself – “How do I disrespect my values?”

Woman in front of the mirror

As you can see, this mirror does not show that you are critical of others or unfaithful to your partner. Rather, it is about the relationship you have with yourself.

The people around you can help you make a self-interpretation that is possible only through the prism of your own experiences and experiences.

Thanks to the people around you, you can see what you need to change in yourself. If your partner is very attached to his mother and it upsets you, what is your relationship with your mother? Or maybe deep down you would like it to be a bit more intimate?

Don’t blame others for what you feel

A huge mistake we make is that we leave our own happiness in the hands of others. We also do this with other aspects of our lives. For example, we hold others responsible for getting angry with them.

However, no one is able to elicit a reaction in you that you do not personally agree to. Unless someone else’s words or actions open a wound that already exists.

For example, if your boss mentions that something needs to be improved in your job and you feel tremendously rejected as a result, you may be lacking in self-confidence and self-esteem.

Woman meditating at sunset

The people around you, these living mirrors always teach you one and the same thing – to focus on yourself. That you would listen to your voice and give yourself due attention.

It is not a good idea to blame others and make them responsible for what happens to us. A man with vices that irritate us so much may not be aware of the feelings he evokes in us. However, it can tell us a lot about ourselves.

Therefore, anyway, the people around you are actually allowing you to come into contact with yourself. Everything good and bad we see in others is really part of ourselves. If it wasn’t, we simply wouldn’t see it.

Your relationships with others reveal what needs to change

It happens that we suffer a lot because our friends do not call us and we must always strive for them. At other times, we complain because we always end up with the same toxic type of people, which ultimately only leads to frustration and suffering.

Paper men

Usually, we focus on others, wanting to properly read and interpret their behavior. We find it hard to believe that what they are doing could have anything to do with us and our behavior. We do not realize that they may actually reveal something about us.

Try to read what the people around you say about you. Perhaps you are giving too much of yourself. Or maybe you don’t allow others to have the space to be creative in taking care of the relationship?

Do you always stumble over the same toxic kind of person? Or are you unconsciously entangled in the same relationships? This may mean that you may not love yourself or respect yourself sufficiently. Maybe you’ve even developed an emotional addiction?

It’s time to take your blinders off and see the truth.

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