The Other Half? You Do Not Need. You Are A Complete Human

When we are looking for someone who will enrich us but not complement us, we make sure that, when the relationship ends, we will remain complete and without deficiencies.
The other half?  You do not need.  You are a complete man

The other half is an impossible goal for many. It is like an emotional utopia. The truth is that it is never easy to find a person who will fit in with our values ​​and be our perfect companion, for better or worse for the rest of our lives.

The other half is more than just a partner. It is someone by the side of whom we can learn and move forward. Grow and get rich… Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

It turns out, however, that a large part of this image has been implanted in us by society. The other half , romantic love, perfect relationship – we are told that we must have someone by our side to feel complete, to really be one …

We are sold an image of a heart divided into two parts, where each partner carries one of the halves, and only together they form one, coherent and complete whole.

Yes, it’s a bit romantic and definitely emotional. In fact, however, this is a big mistake. The other half is bullshit. If we think we need someone by our side to be truly happy, we are making a serious mistake.

Think about it with us this time …

The other half? No thanks, I am a complete man

These are statements that are close to our heart. At some point in our lives, each of us has dealt with or even said them aloud. In a way, this is normal, because love and passion take us to a state of high affection, where we easily lose the concept of our own identity over time. 

A woman and a table with coffee set

However, this state should not be considered normal or healthy, because it is by no means so. Remember that:

  • If you do not see yourself as a complete person, you will end up permanently embedded in a toxic relationship as an emotionally addicted person.
  • We focus the meaning of our existence on another human being. Our self-esteem depends on our partner as if it were in their hands.
  • This type of unhealthy attachment makes us very vulnerable to what the other person does, says, and decides. All it takes is a little misunderstanding or a grinding noise and we already begin to suffer a lot.
  • When we put our own happiness in the hands of another human being, we in some way give them control over our lives.
  • This type of behavior causes us to lose our sense of self and self-respect day after day.

The phenomenon is more common than you might think

Many people nowadays maintain their relationships on these principles. This phenomenon is especially common among young people. It is very exciting when we are able to establish a bond with someone so intimate, so dependent, and so deep that the best summary of such a relationship is “all or nothing”.

However, it should be remembered that establishing this type of relationship only limits our personal freedom and development opportunities. It is so easy to forget that we come into this world as a complete person … The other half is an idea that appears over time.

A person – regardless of their gender – who does not care about their personal development, will inevitably be condemned to:

  • Feeling deeply frustrated at not realizing yourself and your plans.
  • The feeling of happiness will only be momentary and short-lived. It will only last until we realize that only our partner has the privilege of deciding and managing the relationship.
  • On the other hand, when frustration with life dissatisfaction arises, we automatically look for the guilty. We feel bad about ourselves, and it is very possible that the intense love we felt in the beginning will turn into resentment, awkwardness, or even disgust.


I am a complete and happy person

If there is something that we should all try hard to do, it is undoubtedly building a mature and fully conscious relationship. Remember, if we’re going to find the holy grail that our other half is, we’re admitting we’re incomplete and need refilling.

The image of a woman - is it the other half?

The other half? No, you don’t. You are a complete man.

Do everything without rushing, let yourself be found

Do not rush. You are not racing on your way to finding a partner. Focus on yourself first. You have to turn into someone who deserves to be found, into someone who is mature and self-satisfied.

  • Don’t be afraid to be alone with yourself. Don’t be afraid of being alone. For loneliness helps us connect with our ego, with our essence and true identity.
  • Enjoy who you are, enjoy your social life, being with your family, your own sweet independence. Fulfill your dreams and personal aspirations.
  • Step by step (the less you expect it, the sooner) someone will appear. Do not force this situation, do not follow someone who is not worth it and does not show you the necessary interest.
  • Let everything happen naturally. Get in touch with the other person who – just like you – feels complete, mature and happy with himself.
  • Above all, always, at every moment of your life, take care of your self-esteem.


Let it be a complete man with the same values

Some people are kind of obsessed with meeting someone who has the same tastes, passions and likes. It turns out, however, that shared hobbies are not the miraculous key to happiness and contentment.

A happy and stable relationship is made of two people who share common values ​​and respect each other’s differences. What really matters is the joy of spending time together, creating one team and learning from another person so as to always develop.

Let yourself be found by a complete man – a person who has no emotional void. Otherwise, you will be obliged to make up for his (or her) deficiencies and deficiencies, heal wounds and help him become independent and mature. Your own identity and who you really are will come aside.

It’s not worth it, believe me. Life is too short to suffer through it. Allow yourself to be happy every day of your life. Do it in the easiest way possible – feeling good in your company and having someone by your side who knows what you deserve.

Someone who makes your life even more wonderful every day.

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