Tennis Elbow – Alleviate His Symptoms With These 5 Methods

You can combat the condition known as tennis elbow in natural ways.
Tennis Elbow - Treat your symptoms with these 5 ways

Tennis elbow  is a condition that only affects athletes. As a result, the tendons responsible for the mobility of the elbow become swollen, and the patient begins to feel pain in the joint.

This trauma most often requires medical attention. However, there are home remedies you can use to help ease the unpleasant and painful symptoms caused by  tennis elbow .

What is tennis elbow?

Lateral epicondylitis, i.e. the tennis elbow –  is a condition that occurs when we overuse the elbow joint. As the name suggests – this disease most often affects professional tennis players.

However, this does not mean that only tennis lovers are at risk of lateral epicondylitis. This ailment can affect any enthusiast of sports where the elbows are heavily involved.

Tennis elbow is characterized by swelling of the tendons between the forearm muscles and the outer side of the elbow. As we mentioned, the swelling and inflammation occur as a result of overuse of the elbow. Very often, curing this ailment requires the help of a physiotherapist or, in particularly severe cases, surgery.

Natural remedies for tennis elbow

Thanks to these natural methods, you can relieve the symptoms of epicondylitis, and in the case of a less serious injury – with their help, you can completely get rid of the problem. Here are five proven home treatments.

1. Ginger poultice

Ginger has many health-promoting properties that make it readily used in traditional and natural medicine to treat various diseases. It helps to fight colds  and its anti-inflammatory effect makes  it can be successfully used in cases of muscle and tendon swelling.


  • 4 tablespoons of grated ginger (60 g)
  • Pack of cotton wool
  • 1 cup of hot water (200 ml)

Usage method

  • Mash the desired amount of ginger root.
  • Wrap the ginger in water and soak it in hot water for a minute.
  • Remove the compress from the water and let it cool down.
  • Apply the compress to the elbow for 15 minutes. Use until you notice an improvement.

2. Hydrotherapy for tennis elbow

In the case of epicondylitis, hydrotherapy consists of applying hot and cold compresses to the elbow.

Hydrotherapy for tennis elbow

Warm compresses relieve pain and stimulate circulation, while cold compresses reduce swelling in muscles and tendons.


  • 1 hermetically sealed bag.
  • 2 thin towels.
  • 2 containers.
  • Ice cubes.
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)

Usage method

  • Heat the water in a container, then pour it into a bag and seal it tightly.
  • Wrap the bag with a towel.
  • Wrap the ice cubes in the second towel (you can also put them in a plastic bag).
  • Apply a warm compress to the elbow for three minutes.
  • After this time, take it off and apply a cold compress to the elbow for a minute.
  • Change compresses for half an hour.

3. Turmeric for tennis elbow


  • 1 tablespoon of ground turmeric (15 g)
  • A cup of milk (250 ml)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of honey

Usage method

  • Put a tablespoon of turmeric in the milk and stir it thoroughly.
  • Heat the turmeric milk over low heat and add honey.
  • Drink a glass of this drink twice a day, morning and night, for at least two weeks.

4. Infusion of St. John’s wort on tennis elbow

St. John’s Wort has been used successfully in natural medicine to reduce swelling. This herb has powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The added benefit of St. John’s wort is that it is easy to use.

St. John's wort on tennis elbow

You can use it in the form of compresses, infusions, and even take it as a supplement.


  • 2 tablespoons of dried St. John’s wort (30 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • Sweetener (optional)

Usage method

  • Heat a glass of water and when it starts to boil, add a tablespoon of St. John’s wort.
  • Take the infusion off the burner and set aside for a few minutes.
  • Strain the infusion.
  • Add sugar if needed. Drink a glass of infusion twice a day.

5. Garlic compresses on the tennis elbow

Garlic is known and appreciated for its circulation-stimulating properties. It is also readily used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it contains a lot of antioxidants and sulfur, which has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it also an excellent (albeit strongly smelling) remedy for tennis elbow. Despite the fact that the smell of garlic may not appeal to everyone, it is worth using these compresses during the treatment of epicondylitis.


  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • Towels

Usage method

  • Peel the garlic cloves.
  • Crush them to a pulp.
  • Apply the resulting pulp to the sore spot and wrap it with a towel.
  • Keep the compress for 20 minutes.

Elbows are often exposed to various types of injuries. Therefore, when performing sports that load this part of the body, care should be taken to ensure their safety and properly stabilize and strengthen the joints.

However, even the greatest caution may not protect us from injury, and in this case, it is good to know home methods for relieving pain.

Home pain treatments are really effective and allow you to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms without side effects. However, if you do not notice any improvement despite using them, you should consult your doctor.

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