Tattoo Of Hope – A Group Of Artists Supports Women With Breast Cancer

There is a large group of tattoo artists who have decided to support women struggling with breast cancer and the loss of the undisputed attribute of femininity. In a beautiful and artistic way, they help to restore self-esteem and femininity to the winners of the fight against cancer.
Hope tattoo - a group of artists supports women with breast cancer

According to data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 1.38 million cases of breast cancer each year. And a huge percentage of women affected by this fatal disease lose their femininity with the breast. A beautiful nipple tattoo helps to regain this lost femininity.

Breast cancer mortality has decreased significantly in recent years with tremendous scientific advances. However, it still poses a huge threat to the lives of many women. Early diagnosis and correct treatment play a key role in the treatment of breast cancer.

Unfortunately, you also have to take into account the possibility of breast loss. This additionally aggravates the patient’s malaise, mental and emotional problems. And it also permanently takes away the physical side of femininity.

Mastectomy, i.e. breast removal surgery, is a challenge for a woman struggling with cancer. It imposes acceptance of the “new” body and unsightly scars in a place that is commonly regarded as the quintessence of femininity. The initiative ” tattoo for women with breast cancer” was received very positively . Find out with us today what this action is about.

A tattoo that helps you regain your femininity and strengthen your self-esteem

The idea of ​​body tattooing arouses a lot of controversy and discussion in our society. Undoubtedly, we will find crowds of supporters, but also opponents.

For some, the tattoo is associated with crime, for others it is simply unsightly, and for others the idea of ​​decorating your body arouses a lot of enthusiasm and positive emotions.

A real-life story

Stefania has recently won the fight against breast cancer. After undergoing a mastectomy, she decided to undergo a reconstruction of the excised body fragment. Unfortunately, after such an operation one important detail is missing – the nipple, and disfiguring scars distract attention from the soft implant .

Despite the enormous advances in medicine, at present the best option for nipple reconstruction is a tattoo.

Nipple tattoo

It looks so realistic that it can actually be considered a genuine gift of nature. However, the very unpleasant fact is that few medical centers and clinics around the world offer such tattoo services, and if they do – their cost is exorbitant.

In some cases, it is possible to resort to the procedure of reconstruction of the areola in the form of medical pigmentation. The technique is similar to a tattoo, but it is short-lived, as the dye is applied shallowly under the skin, and the image disappears after several months.

Action of free tattoos for breast cancer victims

A few years ago, the Spanish tattoo artist Jero Velasco, who has his well in Collado Villalba near Madrid, publicized his innovative project on social networks: free nipple tattoos for women who have lost one or both breasts as a result of cancer.

Thanks to this initiative, Stefania has two realistic-looking nipples today. She was happy when one day of summer vacation, when her daughter said to her: “Mum, take cover, your bathing suit has fallen and you can see your breast!” As she says herself, then she felt 100% a woman again.

Unique tattoo

Breast cancer victims who have undergone the reconstruction of a lost body part are well aware that a nipple tattoo is something completely unique. We are not talking about simple body ornaments, but about restoring the feeling of being a woman.

Ribbon covering the breasts

It’s a tattoo that won’t necessarily see the light of day. Perhaps no one but the woman herself and her partner will ever see him. And yet this small, delicate piece of a woman’s body will allow you to forget about the hardships and the tragedy of the disease forever.

Perhaps we women who have nipples do not attach much importance to them. However, in a situation where you suddenly lose the entire breast, along with the nipple adorning it, our femininity evaporates and – whether you like it or not – it is a very traumatic experience, as difficult as the disease itself.

  • Jero Velasco, a tattoo artist from Madrid, is very sensitive to the tragedy of thousands of women who dream of returning to normal life and recovering what cancer has taken from them. Hence, he masterfully mixes colors so that his tattoo looks as realistic as possible.
  • Tattoo artists perfectly use the play of light and shadow in their work and perfectly match the colors. Brown, pink, orange, salmon … This is how a beautiful, almost living nipple is created, which can raise the self-esteem of even the most desperate woman.

Remember that after the breast reconstruction surgery, they look like two fleshy masses that at first glance have little to do with sensual and tempting breasts.

They look almost perfect under the clothes, but without it – something is missing

. And that missing piece is the nipple. This tiny body part, however, has a huge impact on a woman’s self-esteem. Of course, this does not have to be the case, but many women feel the loss of it acutely.

Surgeons and tattooists

They both do a great job and in fact make a team that is able to perfectly recreate one of the most beautiful parts of the female body.

Nipple tattoo
  • While this solid Spanish artist restores sensuality and feminine beauty to exhausted women, we get to know thousands of stories. Each case of cancer is a different story, different emotions, different hopes and expectations. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful gestures of solidarity with the victims of breast cancer.
  • The artist himself emphasizes that a tattoo made in a private clinic costs around 300, 400 euros. For him, such a price is barbaric, which is a manifestation of an absolute lack of compassion and empathy for women who have emerged victorious from the most difficult struggle in their lives.
  • Such high prices for the procedure are inhuman for women who had to cover many costs of treatment or even buy a wig after exhausting chemotherapy, which is not cheap at all.
  • Solidarity with breast cancer victims aims to convey a positive message to these women – that they can feel beautiful, sensual and feminine again. And the fact that the disease took away their precious things … It’s hard, the reconstruction and the beautiful nipple tattoo will help to forget about the past nightmare, at least partially.

At the end

Although the women whose breasts in our eyes have been taken away by the disease will always be beautiful, we should also put ourselves in their shoes. Sometimes a small detail can do great wonders! Actions like this give great hope and testify that the world is full of good and kind people.

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