Sodium Bicarbonate Is A Nightmare For Pharmacists

An oral mixture of sodium bicarbonate and chloride may prove to be a drug of the future that will effectively remove accumulated toxins and help avoid many diseases.
Sodium bicarbonate is a nightmare for pharmacists

Sodium bicarbonate was used in antiquity as an agent that benefits health, beauty, and even found its use in carrying out some household chores. This substance is still undergoing further tests in many laboratories around the world in order to learn more about its properties and make even better use of them.

It remains a mystery to many people how sodium bicarbonate can be more beneficial and effective than many pharmaceuticals.

Today there is no evidence that sodium bicarbonate can prevent and help fight many chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes, but many specialists appreciate the beneficial effects of the substance on health and recommend its use more and more often.

What’s hidden in sodium bicarbonate?

We should all pay a little more attention to sodium bicarbonate and take into account its beneficial properties and potential use in the treatment of many health problems.

This product has already been used by oncologists more than once, thanks to the ability to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on important organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Health and baking soda

In many parts of the world , an alkalizing concoction made from small doses of sodium carbohydrate and water has been used for some time to treat acidity and other related health problems.

As the properties of baking soda became known in many rescue places, it was decided to introduce it as a medicinal substance that could save human life.

It was found that the combination of sodium carbohydrate with other substances, such as iodine or magnesium chloride, creates an effective agent that can be used in the treatment of many diseases.

Sodium bicarbonate and the pH of the body

One of the main benefits of sodium carbohydrate is its ability to naturally alkalize the body’s internal environment. When there is a decrease in bicarbonate ions in the body, the blood pH drops, which begins to cause many serious health problems, including diseases related to acidification of the body.

The fact that the body’s cells feel better in a slightly alkaline environment only further confirms the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate.

Bicarbonate and its advantages

In order to maintain an appropriate acid-base balance in the blood, you should remember about a proper diet, which is fundamental in this aspect. The current lifestyle, eating disorders and increased consumption of unhealthy foods such as fast food promote an acidic environment in the body, which generates a greater likelihood of getting sick.

When the natural pH drops, the environment in the body becomes acidic, and this can lead to gastritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, among others.

Speaking of the body’s pH, sodium bicarbonate is our body’s great ally. It supports the transport of oxygen through dilated blood vessels and facilitates its release in cells, thus regulating the pH level, and even makes it slightly alkaline.

Sodium bicarbonate as a medicine

Sodium bicarbonate has been proven to help prevent arthritis, gout, flu, diabetes and the formation of kidney stones.

Due to its numerous advantages and beneficial effects on health, we can confidently start using it as a natural remedy that will safely deal with various diseases. The combination of sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride can be taken orally in the future. Both of these ingredients effectively remove accumulated toxins from cells, tissues and organs.


Thanks to its properties, sodium bicarbonate has become a real nightmare for pharmaceutical companies. The use of small and precise amounts is not only safe and effective, but also very economical.

However, before we start using it, it is necessary to consult a doctor before introducing treatment, who will present the possible risks associated with taking sodium carbohydrate to improve health.

Today it is known that some people may experience undesirable effects such as excessive thirst, headaches, lower limb swelling and weakness.

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