Skin Cancer: Worrying Symptoms

Skin cancer can be detected in time by regularly paying attention to moles that change shape or appearance.
Skin cancer: worrying symptoms

Skin  cancer  is one of the greatest threats to the modern world. As a result of excessive pollution and exposure to UV rays, as well as due to the change in eating habits for the worse, the incidence of this type of cancer is more and more common.

Most often, skin  neoplasms  are benign and include all the most common types of cancer. In turn, the occurrence of malignant melanoma is related to the presence of melanocytes in the skin.

What causes skin cancer?

  • One of the most common causes of skin cancer is overexposure to ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. People who often stay in bright sun are more likely to get sick.
  • The risk of developing the disease increases with the intensity of the radiation, the duration of exposure, and depending on the sunscreen agent used.
  • Visiting the solarium also increases the risk of skin cancer. Tanning booths emit UV rays, which have been proven to contribute to the occurrence of benign skin cancers.
  • Another risk factor is exposure to toxic chemicals, such as arsenic, tar, coal, kerosene and some types of oils.
  • Cancer can also be caused by radiation produced by radiotherapy.
  • The risk of developing the disease increases in the event of severe damage and inflammation of the skin, e.g. associated with severe burns or bone infection.
  • Genetic factors may also play a role.

Alarming symptoms

Any skin changes, such as inflammation, discoloration, moles, nodules, and spots, could be a potential warning sign that could be a sign of neoplastic changes.

Non-malignant neoplasms show traces on the skin, such as hyperpigmentation, which increases over time. Non-healing ulcers can also be an alarming symptom.

Basal cell carcinoma of the skin is a type of slowly growing cancer that can be seen as red and scaly patches on the skin.

They can also be small oily areas that bleed easily, or dark blue, brown or even black moles, and irregular blood vessels under the skin.


In turn , squamous cell carcinoma is responsible for 20% of skin cancers that develop in the epidermis. Most often, changes in the epidermis cause peeling, and the skin becomes rough, and this surface is reddened and gradually enlarges.

These types of neoplastic changes often occur on the skin of the face and hands.

Kaposi’s sarcoma develops primarily in the dermis, but can also attack internal organs. It may look like a bruise at first, but over time develops into a lump.

Signs and symptoms of skin cancer

The appearance of a new mole or a change in the shape and color of an existing one should arouse our vigilance. Another warning sign is the appearance of a mole that is significantly different from the others.

If skin changes start to bother you, do not hesitate and consult your doctor.

To find out if the changes in the skin are worrying, use the ABCDE method. If one or more of the features described below coincide with the skin changes you see on your body, see your doctor immediately.

Skin changes
  • Asymmetry: the  mole is not symmetrical, one half of it does not match the other.
  • Edges Irregular edges, uneven edges.
  • Bowstring: the  diameter of the mole exceeds 6 mm.
  • Shade:  various colors, difficult to define, including shades of brown and black. Birthmarks can also be red, bluish, white or pink.
  • E wolucja:  gradual changes in shape, color or size.

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