Sciatica – Natural Treatment Methods

Did you know turmeric can help reduce the pain that occurs during an attack of sciatica? This disease is caused by inflammation, and turmeric will relieve you both as an infusion and as a poultice.
Sciatica - natural treatments

When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, pain spreads to the back of the thighs around the buttocks. In many cases, sciatica is associated with pain that can extend along the entire leg to the ankle.

In the treatment of ailments caused by sciatica, you can use some natural remedies and herbs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They work great both in the form of infusions or herbal teas, as well as healing compresses.

Sciatica – typical symptoms that indicate inflammation of the sciatic nerve

  • You feel a sharp pain going from the buttocks down your leg along the back of your thigh, often up to the ankle.
  • Simple movements such as turning from side to side in bed are very difficult.
  • When you have to stand for a long time, the pain keeps increasing until it becomes almost unbearable.
  • When sciatica becomes very advanced, you are not able to feel relieved or even temporarily improve by changing position.
  • A person experiencing this type of disease feels severely limited in mobility due to pain and discomfort.

Infusions that help fight sciatica

Dandelion infusion

Turmeric infusion

How to make turmeric infusion?

Prepare one small rhizome of fresh turmeric or one teaspoon powdered. Then pour hot water over it and let it brew for a while. In periods of severe symptoms, drink the infusion up to 3-4 times a day.

Infusion of a mixture of herbs


  • Yarrow
  • Wild violet
  • Marjoram
  • Elderberry flowers
  • Dandelion

How to prepare the infusion

  • Use ten grams of each of these herbs in dried form.
  • Then crush them thoroughly and mix well.
  • Boil a glass of water, then add a tablespoon of the previously prepared mixture of herbs to it.
  • Cover and set aside for five minutes, then drink it.
  • The infusion can be drunk twice a day, one glass each.

Carrot and parsley juice

Fresh carrot juice

We now present a juice that is very effective in treating this troublesome problem of sciatica.

How to prepare the juice?

  • Blend the carrot root with a few sprigs of parsley until you get a thick juice.
  • Drink a drink once a day and you will undoubtedly improve significantly after a few days.

It does not matter what time of day you decide to drink this juice.

Dietary supplements for the treatment of conditions such as sciatica


Quercetin is a naturally derived flavonoid compound that is usually found in fruits and vegetables. However, in larger quantities it can be found in onions and apples, among others.


It is an enzyme found primarily in pineapple and has the ability to alleviate inflammation caused by a variety of conditions, such as sciatica, among others.


Spirulina in tablets

It is a product containing large amounts of vitamins and minerals. What’s more, spirulina has properties that stimulate the regeneration of the nervous system and cleanse the body of fat and toxins.

Sciatica – compresses and compresses

  • Apply a green clay compress to the sore spot to reduce inflammation and use it for pain relief. Remember to apply a compress along with a gentle massage.
  • Make a poultice by adding a tablespoon of olive oil to the ginger root. Then apply the mixture as a compress along with a gentle massage. You can repeat it even several times a day.

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