Say Goodbye To Oral Problems With This Method

While you can use any vegetable oil for this, we recommend coconut oil. This oil also contains ingredients that inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent gum disease and other oral problems.
Say goodbye to oral problems with this method

Oral problems are common and not always the result of poor hygiene. Sometimes these problems are caused by various diseases, reactions to certain foods, and bacteria growing in hard-to-reach places in the mouth .

Most people try to combat these ailments by using mouthwashes, which are designed to significantly reduce the number of bacteria. However, natural medicine comes to the rescue, proposing the ancient Ayurvedic method of caring for oral cavity health.

This method is known as “oil suction”. It involves rinsing the mouth with vegetable oil. By using antibacterial oils, you can eliminate tartar, bad breath problems, and other oral ailments such as gingivitis.

What is “oil suction”?

Coconut oil

By using this method, you can use any vegetable oil, such as sesame oil, sunflower oil or olive oil. However, coconut oil turns out to be the most effective. Its fatty acids and antibacterial ingredients help to reduce the number of microorganisms in the mouth.

Scientific research shows that coconut oil destroys Streptococcus mutans bacteria, which is responsible for the development of tooth decay and other oral diseases. The action of the oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which has a positive effect on the health of the oral cavity.

All you have to do is rinse your mouth for 3 to 5 minutes with one tablespoon of coconut oil.

What are the benefits of using coconut oil for oral hygiene?

Coconut oil is edible and has a pleasant taste. It is very easy to use as a mouthwash. You can also use it as a base for making homemade toothpaste.

Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, regular use brings numerous benefits, such as:

Gum disease prevention


Coconut oil contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that help heal and prevent cavities and other oral diseases.

These problems occur when the immune system attacks the bacteria that cause plaque to build up, causing inflammation.

Regular use of coconut oil eliminates bacterial residues and changes the reaction in the mouth, which promoted their development. It is also helpful in treating and preventing cavities and bleeding gums.

Fighting jaw pains

The unique health properties of coconut oil strengthen the jaw and prevent infections and inflammation. They also have an analgesic effect.

It is also recommended to use the oil as a supplement to the analgesic therapy of the temporomandibular joints.

Eliminating bad breath

Bad breath is a very embarrassing problem that can significantly affect your social life and can drastically lower your self-esteem.

Bad breath problems are caused by the gases emitted by bacteria growing in the mouth. Most often, the habitats of bacteria are located in places that are hard to reach.

Bad breath

Rinsing your mouth and flossing are the two best ways to combat this problem, right at its source. However, instead of using alcoholic mouthwashes, it is much better to reach for a natural remedy such as coconut oil.

It has been shown to reduce bacteria on the teeth and tongue, neutralizing bad breath.

Teeth whitening

Although not whiten teeth in as much as professional treatment, coconut oil helps in removing yellow stains on the teeth, which are formed as a result of plaque build-up and build-up of food particles.

Using it as a rinse aid and toothpaste also prevents white plaque on the tongue.

How To Use Coconut Oil To Rinse Your Mouth?

A teaspoon of coconut oil

The use of coconut oil is child’s play. All you need to do is spread one tablespoon of oil in your mouth for a few minutes (3 to 5). You can also mix the oil with baking soda and use it like normal toothpaste.

Remember that the oil hardens when it is cold. For this reason, it should not be spit out into the sink after rinsing. It is best to spit it on a paper towel and throw it into the trash.

Some people recommend rinsing your mouth in the morning before breakfast, but you can do it at any time of the day. If you don’t like the taste of coconut oil or find it unpleasant, just rinse your mouth with warm water.

Are you ready to try the oil?

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