Refrigerator – Wash It And Disinfect It Using Home Methods

Instead of using caustic chemicals that may endanger our health when coming into contact with food, it is worth using natural solutions. They are much safer and – as it turns out – equally effective in operation.
Refrigerator - wash it and disinfect it using home remedies

The refrigerator is one of the household appliances to which we should pay the most attention, washing and disinfecting it regularly. This is not only because it usually takes on unpleasant odors, but also because it gets dirty faster in constant contact with food.

This creates ideal conditions for the development of bacteria and microorganisms harmful to our health. Although it often escapes our attention, food debris accumulates on the walls and shelves of the refrigerator, which over time can contaminate our food and accelerate its deterioration.

Fortunately, there are various methods by which we can sanitize the refrigerator and keep it as clean as new, without resorting to corrosive, dangerous and expensive chemicals.

In today’s article, we’re going to share with you home remedies for keeping your refrigerator clean and smelling fresh. Be sure to read!

1. Clean fridge? Baking soda!

Baking soda is one of the most effective natural remedies with which we can clean the refrigerator. This is partly because of its antibacterial and degreasing properties.

Baking soda - thanks to it your fridge will be spotlessly clean

This ingredient removes food particles that stick to the walls and shelves of the refrigerator. Moreover, it removes and neutralizes odors.


  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
  • 2 cups of lukewarm water (500 ml)

Necessary supplies

  • Deep container
  • Sponge or cloth
  • Absorbent towel

A method of preparing

  • Place three tablespoons of baking soda in a deep container, then pour lukewarm water over it.
  • Stir patiently until everything is completely dissolved.

Application method

  • Dip the sponge in the baking soda solution and use it to clean the walls and shelves of the refrigerator.
  • Leave it on for about 5 minutes and then remove it with a clean, absorbent cloth.
  • Repeat this action once a week.

2. Lemon juice

The natural acids in lemon juice are powerful remedies to keep your refrigerator clean and free of microbes.

Its active ingredients leave the surfaces in the refrigerator spotlessly clean and free from unpleasant odors.


  • The juice of three lemons
  • 2 cups of lukewarm water (500 ml)

Necessary supplies

  • Spray bottle
  • A towel or a clean cloth

A method of preparing

  • Squeeze the juice of two lemons, and then pour it into the spray bottle along with the cold water.
  • Shake vigorously to let the ingredients blend well and apply when you clean the fridge.

Application method

  • Remove all food and removable items from the refrigerator.
  • Spray them with the resulting solution.
  • Leave it on for about 5 minutes and then clean it with a clean cloth or towel.
  • To keep your refrigerator always clean and odor-free, repeat this twice a week.

3. Clean fridge thanks to vinegar

If you dream of a clean and disinfected refrigerator, this natural cleaning product is perfect for you. Perfectly clean the refrigerator from the outside and the inside.

White vinegar and lemon

White vinegar has degreasing and disinfecting properties that perfectly help remove food residues and spilled liquids that dry up on the surfaces inside our refrigerator.


  • 1/4 cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 cup of lukewarm water (250 ml)

Necessary supplies

  • Bottle with sprayer
  • Absorbent cloth

A method of preparing

  • Dissolve the white vinegar in a glass of lukewarm water, and then pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle.

Application method

  • Remove the food so that the refrigerator is empty, and then sprinkle the solution all over it.
  • Leave for about 5 minutes and clean with an absorbent towel or cloth.
  • Use this method at least once a week.

4. Olive oil and lemon

A household cleaner based on olive oil and lemon is ideal for properly taking care of the surfaces of the refrigerator made of stainless steel.

These ingredients perfectly remove food residues and spilled liquids without destroying the materials cleaned with them. Interestingly, they also do not leave a greasy residue. Cleaning is pure pleasure with such a product!


  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil (64 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml)

Necessary supplies

  • Plate or container
  • A soft cloth

A method of preparing

  • Combine olive oil and lemon juice in any container.

Application method

  • Rub the product on the surfaces of the refrigerator that you want to clean using a soft cloth.
  • Leave it on for about 10 minutes and then wipe it with a slightly damp cloth.
  • Use this home remedy once a week.

5. Clean fridge thanks to tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a natural product with highly disinfecting properties. They will help us keep your refrigerator clean and odor-free.

Tea tree oil bottles

Although it does not remove food debris from the refrigerator space as effectively as the aforementioned agents, it is an excellent option to remove bacteria.


  • 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil (30 g)
  • 1 cup of lukewarm water (250 ml)

Necessary supplies

  • Spray bottle
  • Microfiber cloth

A method of preparing

  • Dissolve the tea tree oil in lukewarm water and then place it in a spray bottle.

Application method

  • Shake the product vigorously and then sprinkle it on the walls of the refrigerator.
  • Then remove any excess solution with a microfiber cloth.
  • To keep your refrigerator clean and hygienic, repeat this operation 2 or 3 times a week.

Are you ready to try out the solutions we suggest in practice? Choose one of them and make your fridge spotlessly clean.

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