Papaya – The 6 Health Benefits

Papaya is a tropical fruit that exhibits numerous nutrients and a host of antioxidants. It is called “angel fruit” for a reason. In this article you will find its greatest health benefits, according to the latest research. 
Papaya, or papaya - find out about 6 health benefits

Papaya tree proper, because that is the full name of this fruit – is a source of numerous antioxidant substances. It is native to South America, Central America and the southern regions of North America.

One of the strongest points of papaya is its richness in vitamin C. This fruit provides 144% of the recommended daily requirement. Papaya is an excellent immune system stimulant. It works as a free radical, as an antioxidant. 

Of course, that’s not all. Papaya papaya also contains other vitamins, such as vitamin A (31% of the recommended daily dose). This, in turn, is essential for healthy skin, the condition of the mucous membranes and our eyesight. It is especially important and effective in combating macular degeneration.

Papaya provides 13% of the recommended daily requirement for folic acid, as well as adequate amounts of fiber and potassium, as well as the necessary building blocks. It helps to control the work of the heart and adequate blood pressure. 

Moreover, tropical papaya contains 212 amino acids and several important enzymes, including essential papain. It is this enzyme that has an anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach, improving digestion and reducing stomach discomfort.

Papaya papaya – nutritional properties

Papaya is a sweet and sour watery fruit that contains only 43 calories per 100 grams. In addition, it offers us the benefits of B vitamins (B1, B2 and B3).

papaya smiling woman

What’s more, it also provides a large amount of vitamin C, A and D. As mentioned earlier, it is also an excellent source of fiber and essential minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and iodine.

Papaya tree – or papaya and its 6 health benefits

To this day, papaya is used in natural medicine most often in the treatment of urinary tract infections and gastric ulcer disease.

1. Prevention of cancer

Foods high in vitamin C are associated with a lower risk of cancer. Vitamin C in our food improves the functioning of the immune system and reduces oxidative stress. In addition, it reduces the level of inflammation and helps block, prevent and activate carcinogens.

There are also indications that the lycopene found in papaya has an anti-cancer effect that may help prevent various types of cancer or slow their growth.

2. The most powerful natural antioxidant

Oxidative stress and oxidative DNA damage are risk factors for various diseases. These include cancer, heart disease, and accelerated aging.

Papaya is also rich in antioxidant compounds, mainly carotenoids. They are natural compounds, acting as pigments and antioxidants, being a source of provitamin A.

3. Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is a natural mechanism our body uses to protect against infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens.

Papaya papaya - cocktail

First of all, in general, all food products rich in antioxidant substances and compounds have anti-inflammatory properties. They will always be useful to us to a greater or lesser extent.

In papaya, it is lycopene that stands out among other carotenoids, helping to reduce the level of inflammation in the body.

4. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Some studies suggest that lycopene contributes to reducing the risk of heart disease through its ability to fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.

But papaya also contains a very large amount of vitamin C, which also acts as an antioxidant. In addition, it has been shown to reduce the chances of developing heart disease and chronic disease.

5. It slows down the process of rapid aging of the organism

On the other hand, the papaya tree can effectively stop the accelerated aging process of our body, which is influenced by negative habits.

Papaya - a woman smears it on her face

Papaya can help reduce the signs of skin aging. It’s all thanks to antioxidants. Wrinkles or sagging skin lacking elasticity do not have to be a problem anymore. All this is undoubtedly related to the fight against oxidative stress.

Moreover, both vitamin C and lycopene have been proven to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce signs of aging. Finally, topical use of papaya has been shown to have very good results in treating eczema and other skin wounds.

6. Supports digestion

Bloating and constipation are very common disorders of the digestive system. Papain content in the described papaya tree – significantly promotes digestion and improves the condition of the digestive system.

Papaya papaya – contraindications

Despite all the advantages and benefits of papaya, we should avoid eating it in the following situations:

Abdominal pain
  • If you have frequent digestive problems.
  • Problems with diarrhea.
  • Treatment with diuretics.
  • You suffer from kidney stones. 

Importantly, consuming papaya and treating it can be pure pleasure. All thanks to the unique sweet taste. It is pure pleasure with health benefits. Ripe papaya fruit can be eaten raw, lightly sprinkled with lemon or seasoned with salt and pepper.

Finally, eating papaya is an excellent and delicious way to fight heart disease and cancer. Add papaya to your diet in any way convenient for you. Take advantage of the properties of fresh papaya  in the form of juice or a cocktail. Moreover, you can include the fruit in salads and pastries too.

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