Overweight? Go Back To The Exercises And Defeat It Once And For All

If you are overweight and are trying to lose weight with exercise, this puts you at a disadvantage. However, with a little effort, you can achieve great results.
Overweight?  Return to exercise and beat it once and for all

A sedentary lifestyle has become part of the reality of most of the world’s population. Being overweight can be caused by a lack of time, a lack of motivation, an inadequate diet, or the usual excuses that we justify.

By leading a sedentary lifestyle, the body begins to manifest its dissatisfaction through the state of our health. For this reason, it is necessary to exercise at least 3 times a week.

Maybe you are asking: “can I achieve my goal by exercising even though I am overweight”? Of course you can. In fact, if you follow the rules of proper nutrition and regular exercise, you will see the results sooner than you think, excess weight will not be your problem anymore.

Overweight: the benefits of exercise

  • It enables natural slimming
  • Increases physical strength
  • It helps in maintaining mental health
  • Fights cellulite
  • It gives you more energy every day

How to start exercising when you are overweight

Follow the recommendations of your dietitian

It’s not about going to the first better dietitian. It is important to find a qualified professional, preferably recommended by someone you trust. This way, you will avoid the disappointments and risks associated with a service that is not delivering results.

Overweight - centimeter and salad

This way you can renew your eating habits. The dietitian will recommend the best products and a menu tailored to your body and lifestyle. This way you will reduce the amount of calories consumed. In addition, you will have some time to exercise.

Start by getting up from your chair

You don’t have to start a marathon right away to be able to say that you are doing some physical exercise. Especially if you are just starting to play a sport. To get you started, just start getting up from your chair. Walk around the room several times a day, whether you are at home or at work.

You can also make an effort to change your lifestyle. For example, try to leave the car at home and go on foot. Remember that walking for at least 15 minutes a day makes the difference between an incumbent body and a healthy body.

One more step and the excess weight will begin to disappear

You may find it difficult to stick to your decision in the first few days of making the change. Why? At first, you are not used to exercising during the day. However, once you get used to exercising regularly, you can set yourself a bigger goal or start exercising under the supervision of a trainer.

The woman is running up the stairs.

Find Motivation

You can never have too many reasons to exercise. So, keep your motivation and willingness to continue so that you get pleasure from it, not just rush to results.

Find a job that will make you feel proud of taking care of your body. After all, there’s nothing better than focusing on your goal. Start by setting yourself small goals and increasing them systematically. Just don’t let laziness or a lack of motivation become an excuse.

And there’s no better reason to start exercising than feeling happy. Regular exercise causes the body to release serotonin, endorphins and dopamine, the hormones of happiness and well-being.

Don’t skip meals

You probably realize that skipping meals and not eating them at certain times doesn’t help you lose weight. Moreover, it has the complete opposite effect, as you are slowing down your metabolism by doing so.

Diet and overweight

Skipping meals is a stimulus for gradual loss of muscle mass, and additionally has a negative impact on the health of both your bones and your entire body.

Overweight? Always be one step ahead

As the days go by, you will begin to notice that you are consistently losing pounds and that your body is approaching its ideal weight.

At the same time, exercise will also work to strengthen your muscle mass and improve the overall condition of your body. You cannot think about taking breaks, only by being systematically you will achieve the goal you are striving for: a healthy body.

It is also important to change your exercise strategy over time as you will need more and more intense and advanced exercises if you want to progress.

Remember that being overweight is not an obstacle to start exercising. On the contrary! You just have to keep your feet firmly on the ground and believe that any goal you set for yourself is achievable if you want it!

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