Overproduction Of Pharyngeal Secretions – Step To Health

The mucus in the throat can be the result of something complex, such as an allergy or illness, but it can also simply be a reaction to some bad habit. Find out more about how you can fix it.
Overproduction of pharyngeal secretions

The overproduction of secretions in the throat is a very common but irritating symptom, especially in the fall and winter seasons. This is usually a temporary condition, but can significantly irritate the airways.

The production of mucus is the defense mechanism of our immune system. It allows us to protect ourselves against bacteria and other microorganisms. This is a fairly non-specific answer.

An overproduction of secretions in the throat can occur for a wide variety of reasons, from cigarette smoking to common allergies. However, while it is a very unpleasant condition that happens to virtually everyone, few of us know how to remedy it.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain the main reasons why a person may have excess throat secretions. We will also tell you about some simple ways to get rid of it.

Where does the overproduction of pharyngeal secretions come from?

As we mentioned above, discharge can develop for many different reasons.

First, it may come from the posterior nostrils. In this case, mucus develops in the nose and eventually descends into the throat. Nasal discharge occurs due to conditions such as rhinitis or sinusitis.

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nose that can be allergic or non-allergic. This is very common in people who are allergic to pollen or have a cold.

Overproduction of pharyngeal secretions

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining of the paranasal sinuses. These are the recesses in our skull that are located next to the nostrils. Mucus in the throat often occurs when a viral or bacterial infection occurs in the sinuses.

It could also be caused by a deviation from the nasal septum. This reason is very common, as are allergies and smoking.

Yes – smoking is one of the main causes of the overproduction of secretions in the throat. This is due to the fact that tobacco is a toxic substance that constantly irritates the mucosa of the respiratory tract. Therefore, you can only get rid of the mucus when you stop smoking.

Also note that any type of infection can cause an overproduction of secretions in the throat. The most common of these are tonsillitis, pharyngitis and even bronchitis. The body reacts by producing mucus to prevent the multiplication of microorganisms and worsening the infection.

How to reduce the amount of secretions in the throat?

You don’t have to resort to medications that reduce the amount of mucus in your throat. Many simple measures can help to ease symptoms or eliminate them entirely:

  • Try to be in a humid environment. To do this, try using an air humidifier or stay near a large body of water.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
The woman is drinking water
  • Try to gargle with salt water. This helps to lightly separate the secretion from the walls of the throat. You can also try nasal drops.
  • To avoid irritation of the throat, it is recommended to ventilate the house or room in which you are located. You can also take a walk in unpolluted nature, away from cars and smoke.
  • Of course, it is very important to eliminate tobacco as it is irritating and is one of the main causes of excess throat secretions.
  • Another recommendation is to keep your head significantly elevated while you sleep. You can use two pillows or a blanket to raise your head a bit. This way, you will prevent mucus from building up in your throat.


Mucus in the throat is a very unpleasant situation, but also quite common. It could be due to an allergy, illness, or simply a reaction to an unhealthy habit.

Either way, avoid swallowing the secretions. Blow your nose if you suffer from a cold or nasal congestion. If you don’t, all of the mucus from there may move towards the throat.

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