Note – The Newest Type Of Ovarian Cancer

Every woman needs to know that the symptoms of ovarian cancer are similar to those of other female diseases. For this reason, it is important to immediately go to the gynecologist when recognizing the symptoms to clear up any doubts and make a proper diagnosis.
Ovarian cancer - 7 symptoms you need to know

Ovarian cancer is one of the chronic diseases of the female reproductive system. Due to the way it develops, this type of cancer is known as the “silent killer”. Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynecological cancer.

However, due to the lack of typical symptoms in the initial stage of the disease, mortality is the highest. It is formed when the cells of the ovaries grow unchecked. These cells turn into a malignant tumor that can spread to other parts of the body.

The exact causes of ovarian cancer are unknown. There is an increased risk when there has been previous family history of the disease, as well as in the case of sudden hormonal changes and poor lifestyle.

In order to diagnose ovarian cancer, diagnostic tests are necessary, but there are several signs that may indicate a disease and aid in a proper diagnosis. Learn about the 7 main symptoms, if they appear, do not underestimate any of them:

Bloating is one of the initial symptoms of ovarian cancer.

However, they are often ignored because they are attributed to gastric problems and PMS.

  • It is important to remember that when flatulence takes a recurring form, research should be done to find its source.
  • the proliferation of carcinogenic cells causes numerous inflammations in the body, including the abdominal cavity.
Ovarian cancer bloating

2. Changes in menstruation

An analysis of the regularity of menstruation can be useful in detecting changes in the ovaries.

  • First of all, you need to determine if and how regular the period is and whether the changes are above the norm.
  • If you notice that your period is definitely out of order, you should go to the gynecologist to look for the cause of this situation.
  • It is worth setting up a calendar in which you will note exactly the days of menstruation.

3. Pelvic pain

It is an exaggeration to say that pelvic pain indicates cancer of the reproductive system. However, it is worth remembering that this is possible especially when the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  • Recurring pelvic and abdominal pains for no apparent reason.
  • The pain lasts for several weeks on and off.

3. Digestive problems

Women who develop ovarian cancer suffer not only from gas and pressure from the stomach. This disease can result in other digestive problems that are often mistaken for food poisoning or other digestive disorders.

Ovarian cancer stomach ache

It is important to consult a doctor if any of the following occur:

  • recurrent constipation
  • indigestion and colic
  • nausea and vomiting
  • changes in bowel movements

4. The feeling of fullness and ovarian cancer

The change in ovarian cell activity is often accompanied by a lack of appetite and marked weight loss.

  • The development of malignant cells slows down the digestive processes, as a result the patient feels full, despite eating small portions of the meal.
  • This is a dangerous situation as in many cases it leads to nutritional deficiencies and anemia.

6. Pain during intercourse

As mentioned above, ovarian cancer causes inflammation of the tissues, which in this case can cause pain during intercourse.

  • While there can be many reasons for this pain, it is worth bearing in mind that one of them may be the disease discussed here.
  • Recurrent pain during intercourse accompanied by vaginal dryness.
pain during intercourse and ovarian cancer

See the article: Vaginal Dryness? 7 natural ways

7. Pressure on the bladder and painful urination

When a disease develops in the reproductive system, changes in the way we urinate often also occur, including uncontrolled urination.

  • The developing inflammation leads to a weakening of the smooth muscles of the pelvis, impairing the ability to hold urine.
  • Consequently, numerous visits to the toilet are necessary , even every few minutes.
  • As the disease progresses, the patient may suffer from urinary tract infections more and more often .

Do you recognize these symptoms? They can be a signal of egg cancer disease, a deeper symptom analysis with a professional will be needed. Perhaps these symptoms indicate other disorders in the body.

If you are at risk of developing ovarian cancer, or if you have other reasons to suspect the disease, be sure to have regular check-ups.

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