Natural Methods Of Teeth Whitening

Natural ways to whiten your teeth

Some home remedies can help whiten our tooth enamel. Avoiding certain habits, such as smoking or drinking coffee, will help prevent the yellowish tinge. We present natural teeth whitening methods and products that serve this purpose.

Teeth whitening treatments are nowadays very popular. Unfortunately, they are usually based on invasive products that irreversibly damage the tooth coating.

However, you don’t have to resort to such extremes or spend a fortune on whitening treatments. If you dream of a white smile or want to increase your self-confidence with it, try natural products. We suggest what.

How does tooth discoloration occur?

The tooth coating is slightly porous, so it “fills up” with particles of what we eat. This is why when we drink wine or eat blueberries, the teeth immediately turn purple. Usually, however, there is nothing to worry about. We brush our teeth and it’s over.

However, there are foods and drinks that penetrate the teeth more strongly and leave a yellowish or brownish tinge on them over time, which can look really unsightly. Colorful drinks such as coffee, tea or sodas open the list of these types of products. Tobacco and poor oral hygiene also increase the porosity of the enamel.

White and yellow teeth - natural methods of teeth whitening
Certain foods can cause damage to or discoloration of the enamel.

In addition, the acid in some foods damages the teeth. Consuming meat, dairy products, eggs, citrus fruits, refined sugar, beer, artificial sweeteners, sodas, or vegetable oils makes the situation worse.

In this list, we can also include sweets, but in their case, the most important thing is the frequency of consumption.

A common mistake is to brush your teeth as soon as you finish eating. It is true that this prevents the formation of cavities, but it also means that the enamel does not have time to regain its hardness and it is easier to wear off.

Foods that promote whitening of the teeth

On the opposite side are products that help keep your teeth white. They are mainly fruits and vegetables such as pears, apples, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli, and spinach.

Smiling woman
Certain foods, such as selected fruits and vegetables, help whiten your teeth.

Some of them contain fiber or nutrients that form a protective layer on the tooth enamel, thus preventing the formation of stains. Cheeses can also help maintain whiteness.

They contain proteins and fats that help to neutralize the acids contained in other food products. In addition, they stimulate the production of saliva containing phosphorus and calcium, thus helping to remineralise the enamel.

Homemade, natural methods of teeth whitening

Here are some ideas for natural teeth whitening methods that you can easily apply at home.


Rub your teeth with the inner orange peel for 45 seconds. The white part of this fruit, the so-called mesocarp, contains a substance that makes the teeth whiter. Half an hour later, brush your teeth.

Strawberries and baking soda 

Make a paste of strawberries and baking soda. Strawberries act as a natural bleaching agent. You just need to crush the fruit and mix it with baking soda. Apply the paste on your teeth and leave it for 20 minutes. Wait 30 minutes and brush as usual. However, remember not to overuse this method (if possible, use it once a week or every 2 weeks).

Activated carbon powder

Apply activated carbon powder to your toothbrush and brush. Admittedly, the feeling can be quite strange. But don’t worry about it: for many, it’s the best way to whiten your teeth.

Other means to help keep your teeth white

  • Eat a slice of papaya or apple daily. These fruits are used to strengthen the gums while also keeping the teeth white.
  • Put two tablespoons of sage leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let the infusion cool down and rinse your mouth with it. You can also chew sage leaves shortly after eating.
  • Mix two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of water. Gently rub the discolored teeth. Rinse with plenty of water.
  • Make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, 2 teaspoons of salt, and water. Lubricate it on your teeth like you would with regular toothpaste.
  • Mix half a cup of brewer’s yeast and two teaspoons of salt to form a paste. Brush your teeth with it.

Baking soda for teeth whitening

All home remedies that have been described in detail above are effective. Consistent use is enough to obtain pearl-colored teeth. However, there is no better method than baking soda.

baking soda
In some cases, soda may be helpful in whitening.

It is more than an ecological and healthy alternative to teeth. Just pour ΒΌ tablespoon of baking soda into a glass and moisten the brush with water. Then dip your toothbrush in the baking soda so that the powder adheres and wash it like any other toothpaste.

If you add too much baking soda, you may experience a salty or sour taste. Don’t worry though – it will disappear when you rinse your mouth well with water. This method can only be used a few times a month as excessive use of baking soda can damage the tooth enamel.

Final advice: how to care for a white smile

Natural ways of whitening teeth are also everyday habits. Here are the most important of them:

  • Always take care of your oral hygiene.
  • Don’t brush your teeth too hard.
  • Use floss.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Limit coffee, tea, and sodas.

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