Mobbing At School: 11-year-old Diego Committed Suicide

Just as it is important to raise our children with respect for others, it is equally important to support them and do everything possible to regain their enthusiasm and will to live.
Mobbing at school: 11-year-old Diego committed suicide

Mobbing in the school environment is – as it turns out – a phenomenon that often occurs in educational institutions.

In today’s article, we are going to tell you a sad story that might make you reflect. Diego, just an 11-year-old boy, decided to commit suicide on October 14, 2015. Reason? Pagł a victim of persecution of his school friends.

Each of us knows what mobbing is and what can be caused by mental and physical abuse, especially of a young person.

However, let’s think … How is it possible that such a young boy was able to make such a tragic decision? In such situations, we are not only touched by the fact that a young man has lost his life. But we also ask ourselves many different questions.

The question is whether institutions such as the school he attended on a daily basis or the school psychologist noticed that something was wrong with him.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published a report. It reveals that around 600,000 young people aged 14 to 28 around the world commit suicide each year. Half of them are victims of mobbing, that is, persecution and intimidation.

With such an enormous social drama, we should take appropriate measures to counteract young people taking their own lives.

That is why today we should get to know the story of Diego, a boy from Madrid (Spain), who found the only form of escaping his problems in death – taking his own life.

Mobbing and goodbye to an unusual child

Diego lived in Leganés, the Madrid neighborhood where he spent his entire childhood – 11 years of life.

He didn’t want to live anymore, he didn’t want to grow up with his peers, all he wanted was to free himself from suffering, constant attacks and pressure exerted by his school environment.

That’s why he decided to jump out of the balcony, located on the 5th floor of the building where he lived. Some people think that suicide is an act of cowardice, an escape from the difficulties of life, a lack of courage to face problems.

However,  none of us really have the right to judge or criticize the decisions a person makes. However, in this situation we are dealing with a child. The reality takes on a much more serious tone.

Diego’s parents decided to publish a farewell letter left by their son, and also reported the matter to the President of the Province of Madrid and the Minister of National Education.

The case of Diego, a gifted student who did not want to go to school

Diego had good grades, he was a gifted student, his parents were very proud of him. His mother recalled that sometimes when she picked up her son from school, he put pressure on her to hurry away, as if he wanted to run away from something or someone.

When it was time to vacation, he seemed to be happy when he was freed from the school classroom in Leganés. His parents also remember that he was hoarse for 4 months. Hoarseness due to nervousness – diagnosed the doctor.

  • The family had no idea what was causing the boy’s fear or what was actually going on in the lessons.
  •  On the other hand, the school he attended when she began her private investigation made it clear that the boy had no problem. They didn’t get any alarming reports.

It is obvious that many times the resources at the institution’s disposal are sometimes insufficient to detect fraud. However, a child’s sadness is felt and visible to the naked eye. It can be noticed by teachers as well as peers who observe, hear and keep silent.

Currently, no one has been found guilty to judge him or even to investigate the cause of Diego’s death.

That is why  it is important to make people aware of the seriousness and danger of mobbing, which contributed to taking the child’s life.

Diego’s farewell letter – Mobbing at school pushed him to the final solution

Diego decided to write a farewell letter to his parents. He left a short note saying “Look at Lucho” on the sill of the window he jumped from.

Mobbing of children - stop!

Lucho was his favorite stuffed animal. The last words from the life of an unhappy 11-year-old boy saying goodbye to his family sound very mature.

Fragment of a letter left by Diego:

DI's letter and mobing


It is almost impossible to read a few lines of a letter without feeling moved. That is why we should all, as far as possible, be more aware of the reality of school bullying – bullying – starting with ourselves.

It is extremely important to raise our children to be aware of emotional intelligence, empathy, appreciation and respect for others as well as for ourselves.

  • That they have the ability to anticipate and recognize aggressive behavior at school, on the street and at home and report it.
  • Awareness of treating others without excluding them, not distinguishing them.
  • It is important for them to learn how to deal with their own self-esteem, build self-esteem, as well as regain energy for life, further future and making dreams come true.
  • And also to make them understand that psychological bullying does not exist only at school. But also in social networks, cyberspace that children have access to.

We know that Diego’s death is not the only and not the last such case, the WHO research results are not deceiving. However, we hope they will decrease year after year and we will be part of that achievement.

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