Mint Tea – Why Is It Worth Drinking It?

Mint belongs to a large group of herbs with healing properties. Like thyme or rosemary, this plant has excellent properties that regulate the digestive processes of the body. Moreover, it is a source of vitamins and minerals valuable for health.
Mint tea - why should you drink it?

Mint tea has been famous for its healing properties for centuries . Regular consumption of the infusion of mint leaves greatly supports the functions of some organs and effectively prevents the occurrence of various diseases and ailments, especially those related to the digestive system.

Mint is a plant that is now found on almost all continents. It is worth noting, however, that it originally comes from the Mediterranean. Although scientists over the years have identified many different species of this plant, all of them belong to the same type of mentha.

Despite the great variety of species, peppermint tea always has more or less the same properties. In addition, the aroma of this herb is strong, leaves usually turn green, flowers have a pale purple color. All mint varieties grow in wet, often marshy meadows.

Mint tea – what is worth knowing about it?

Below you will find some useful information about mint. This common plant is often underestimated in terms of both culinary and medicinal properties. Knowing more about her, you will surely never pass by her indifferently again.

Fresh mint leaves
  • It grows quickly and branches densely. The height of the plant can reach half a meter.
  • Mint flowers usually turn purple or white. They appear as the plant grows.
  • There are approximately 25 subspecies of the Mentha genus . The same family also includes rosemary, thyme and oregano. They are all known as aromatic herbs.
  • Green mint leaves are commonly used as the base of the infusion. However, this does not exclude other forms of their use. There are also oils available on the market in the form of mint leaf extract, which can be applied directly to the skin.
  • Mint is a valuable source of vitamins A and C, omega 3 fatty acids and many different minerals.
  • If you decide to grow a mint plant at home, take care of it carefully – it does not like either excess sun or dried soil. In exchange for your care, you will be able to pick up fresh, aromatic leaves at any time of the year.
  • The scientific name of this medicinal plant is mentha – it derives from the name of the Greek nymph Menthe, the lover of Hades, who, in order to protect it from persecution by Persephone, turned it into a green mint bush.

Properties of mint leaves

Discover the miraculous properties of the mint leaf infusion. Its regular consumption has a very positive effect on the overall health of the body and helps to alleviate various everyday ailments.

Try to always have the mint plant on hand and reach for its green leaves every day. You will surely find the results of such a habit surprising.

Mint tea supports the digestive system

Traditionally, we reach for mint tea right after meals, especially those that are more abundant. It is commonly believed that the substances contained in this plant facilitate digestion and alleviate the uncomfortable feeling of overflow after meals.

Peppermint tea is also recommended for stomach pain, indigestion, and intestinal colic. What’s more, thanks to its antispasmodic and antiemetic properties and the natural stimulation of gastric juice production, mint leaves are also excellent at fighting intestinal gas and nausea.

Abdominal pain

However, it is not recommended to consume mint infusions for a long period of time, as their excess may lead to irritation of the stomach walls and, consequently, to the development of inflammation of this vital organ.

Mint has a soothing effect on the respiratory system

One of the active substances of mint is a substance called menthol, which is the base component of essential oils, various medicines and cosmetics. It is widely used in the treatment of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, as it increases sweating of the body and helps to relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes and effectively eliminate pathogenic viruses from the body.

For centuries, peppermint tea has also been used as a natural medicine supporting the treatment of diseases such as bronchitis, pharyngitis and asthma. Mint infusion is therefore recommended for smokers and people struggling with chronic cough, because the ingredients contained in it perfectly alleviate throat irritation.

The mint infusion supports the functions of the liver and intestines

Mint tea is also used in the natural treatment of liver disorders.

The valuable ingredients contained in it stimulate the production of bile, thanks to which they perfectly prevent the formation of colic and support the basic functions of the liver, especially when it is overloaded with toxins and other substances harmful to health.

What’s more, mint infusion helps fight diarrhea, relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease . In addition, mint leaves neutralize intestinal gases and stimulate the excretion of undigested food remnants remaining in the intestines.

Mint tea improves blood circulation

Mint leaves contain substances called eugenol and rosmarinic acid, which have a strong anticoagulant effect. They naturally help to improve blood circulation and support the treatment of disorders related to poor circulation, including frequent headaches.

Mint tea is also perfect as a medicine to alleviate the symptoms of altitude sickness, as it increases the amount of oxygen supplied to the cells of the body. At the same time, valuable nutrients support the removal of toxins accumulated in the body.

External use of mint infusion

In addition to the above oral uses, peppermint tea can also be used externally. It is extremely helpful in home treatment of various ailments, including bad breath and rheumatic pains.

Girl with bad breath

What’s more, the infusion of mint leaves is also used in cosmetics – as a natural tonic for firming the skin – and in the kitchen as an irreplaceable, strongly aromatic spice.

Discover the recipe for healing mint tea

The preparation of mint tea is child’s play. It is enough to stock up on a fresh mint plant (preferably grown by yourself) and start enjoying its miraculous, healing properties.

  • 6 mint leaves
  • ½ glass of water (125 ml)
A method of preparing
  • Boil half a glass of water. When it starts to bubble, add 6 mint leaves to it, remove from heat and set aside to cool.
  • Consume an infusion of mint with a temperature slightly higher than our body temperature.

We hope that today you will reach for mint leaves that are valuable for your health. The benefits of consuming them as an infusion are huge!

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