Mattress And Pillows – How To Disinfect Them?

To effectively disinfect the mattress and pillows, it is best to use natural methods. They care for the environment and do not pose any risk to your health.
Mattress and pillows - how to disinfect them?

A clean and mite-free home is a very important issue that each of us should pay attention to. Particular attention should be paid to the mattress and pillows.

It is important because the mattress and pillows create an environment in which we rest and sleep. Although these elements are protected by the sheets and pillowcases, some dirt still gets inside. That is why it is so important to learn to properly clean and disinfect our mattress and pillows.

If we neglect this activity, the risk of respiratory diseases such as asthma and various forms of allergies will increase. And if we already have these ailments, they will get worse.

Moreover, a large amount of dust and pollution in the house has a very negative effect on the quality of our sleep. All of this is due to the presence of microorganisms that prevent us from breathing freely.

Although there are various ways to disinfect the mattress and pillows, we would like to encourage you to do it by using natural methods. They are much better because they pose no risk to your health and have no negative side effects.

Considering the fact that many people do not know how to disinfect a mattress and pillows, in today’s article we will tell you about how to do it properly.

A clean mattress and pillows: how to disinfect a mattress?

The first tip – and you may be surprised to learn – is: don’t make your bed right after you get up. Are you wondering why? Well, by covering the bed with a blanket, duvet or bedspread, you close all impurities and microorganisms under it.

The mattress and its protection

If you’re in the mood for even more radical steps, expose your mattress and pillows to the sun for the day and leave them outdoors. However, it may not be enough. In this case, we will suggest a method using baking soda and essential oils with disinfecting properties.


  • Baking soda (20 g)
  • Thyme oil
  • 2 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil
Mattress before and after cleaning

What should i do?

  • First, combine baking soda and all three essential oils together.
  • Then, using a strainer, evenly distribute the whole thing over the surface of the mattress. Leave for about 2 hours.
  • After this time, vacuum the mattress with a vacuum cleaner to remove any debris.

Thanks to this, your mattress will be like new. Ready to fall into a restorative sleep. You will forget phrases like: “I get up more tired than before going to bed.

How easy is it to disinfect the mattress and pillows?

Now we will tell you how to easily clean and disinfect your pillows. In this case, we will use the help of a washing machine. The methods we propose will be safe for health and ecological.

Baking soda and vinegar

Although aromatic detergents work well to clean the mattress and pillows, we recommend a more natural way for you. The reason is very simple: you will avoid exposure to artificial chemicals that pollute the air in your home.

Baking soda on a teaspoon

Given the fluctuation between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels at night, also remember the importance of regularly ventilating all rooms in your home – especially your bedrooms. It is necessary to take care of the quality of the air we breathe.


  • Half a cup of baking soda (50 g)
  • One tablespoon of white vinegar (10 ml)

How should I proceed?

  • It is very easy. All you have to do is place the pillows in the washing machine together with a natural disinfectant that you have prepared yourself. Then turn on the washing.
  • To clean the pillows even more thoroughly, you can repeat the operation.
  • Dry the pillows in the sun to get rid of any moisture build-up in them. It will also help remove any microbial debris that may still be there.

These simple tips will allow you to quickly and effectively disinfect the mattress and pillows in your home. As you can see, it doesn’t require a lot of effort or reserve your free time. As if that were not enough, this activity does not harm the natural environment or endanger the health of the household members.

The good condition of our planet allows us to laugh, enjoy life, spend time with our loved ones, dance, live … That is why we should strive to reach for the most natural solutions possible.

You will find that ecological ways to take care of yourself and your home are actually the best!

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