Low Self-esteem – Detect It In 5 Steps

We should realize that our self-esteem depends entirely on ourselves, not on what others think of us. Learn to respect and love yourself.
Low self-esteem - detect it in 5 steps

When we were little, no one taught us how to achieve emotional and interpersonal fulfillment. If we are lucky enough to have a supportive family, low self-esteem is probably not our quality.

However, as you get older, your self-esteem goes through highs and lows, and sometimes many people experience low self-esteem .

We have been taught that in order to be unique and to achieve success, we must be well-educated, with an ideal appearance, full of courage and go-ahead. People eventually develop some substitute for their self-esteem based on how others treat us. This is how low self-esteem is born.

If someone abandons me, I am no longer worthy of love. I was fired from my job, apparently I wasn’t good at it. If my friends turn away from me, I don’t deserve the trust of others.

This is not right. We should never allow ourselves to be in such a negative emotional state. Today we’re going to share with you the 5 most common symptoms of low self-esteem and how we can deal with them.

Low self-esteem – how to detect it?

Self-esteem is not about believing that you are the best in the world, nor about seeing yourself in the darkest colors. The former is an example of blind pride, while the latter is a clear manifestation of low self-esteem.

We should learn to believe in ourselves and our abilities from the very beginning. The problem begins when we focus on recognizing other people and their opinion whether we are able to do something or are worth being loved.

It is a source of terrible suffering that we should avoid at all costs. Let’s look at a few tips that will tell us if our self-esteem is healthy or not.

tied hands

1. I am afraid of failure

From childhood we always looked for the support of parents and teachers in all our endeavors. If I am wrong, at least an adult can help me.

Now that we are adults ourselves, we continue to make mistakes and experience failures. We don’t believe we have the skills to do certain tasks.

How to face this fear

Low self-esteem primarily reflects an extraordinary amount of anxiety that torments us. The first that we must overcome is the fear of failure.

Mistakes aren’t a bad thing. They help us learn how to do the thing better. We should not call ourselves clumsy or otherwise blame ourselves for making a mistake – there is nothing worse than judging ourselves.

2. Tendency to be irritated

Bad mood, apathy, irritability are usually symptoms of low self-esteem and even depression.

  • These are the moments when we feel as if we are losing control over everything that surrounds us. We are losing hope, and this is a dangerous condition.

How to deal with this

  • Set your priorities, where the most important thing is to take care of yourself. Break with monotony, make new friends, find new interests.
  • Silencing the negative voice in your head will awaken new dreams and aspirations in you.
cloudy woman

3. Need for indulgence

We have mentioned many times about the risks of wanting to be liked and of trying to please everyone around you.

  • The reason for this behavior may be low self-esteem.
  • While there is nothing wrong with being praised every now and then, the trouble comes when we need constant approval in order to feel “good in our own skin”.

How to overcome the need for indulgence

Try to do things that don’t require explaining yourself to others. Enjoy your solitude, but most of all, be assertive. Say no when someone asks you to do something you don’t feel like doing.

We have to deal with this over-dependence on others.

4. Putting on your shoulders “the weight of the whole world” and blaming yourself

Sometimes we get the impression that everything that is happening around us is our fault. If my child is not doing well in school, I may not be spending enough time with him .

  • When our parents get sick, we blame ourselves that we should care for them more.
  • When someone criticizes or rejects us, we blame ourselves.

How to deal with self-blame

We should understand that we do not have to bear the burden of the whole world on our shoulders. We are not responsible for many things, nor for making everything around us work as it should.

Release this burden and give your body and mind a rest. Appreciate the little things. Make time for yourself and stop over-analyzing everything. 

little man

5. No hope

No matter if you are 8 or 80; people always have plans and ambitions. We need countless dreams and hope to give our lives color.

If you wake up every day without feeling the meaning of being and have a tendency to listen to whatever they tell you, your low self-esteem requires help. Take care of her.

How to Deal With Lack of Hope

We often lose hope because we fall into a relentless routine, we lack external stimulation, and we just don’t feel good about ourselves. Find a new hobby. Take a certain direction, change the environment, and most of all meet new people. New friendships are often the best medicine for the heart.

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