Leaves Of Potted Plants – How To Clean Them?

Have you ever cleaned the leaves of your plants? You should do it! This could be an obstacle to their healthy growth.
Potted plant leaves - how to clean them?

House cleaning goes to the farthest corners of the apartment – including plant leaves. Did you know that you can give them a shiny look with just a few simple tips? We will tell you how to clean plant leaves at home so that you have a beautiful and colorful garden that you have always dreamed of.

Is cleaning of potted plant leaves necessary?

Yes, it is very important. This is because in this way we keep them in good shape and take care of their free breathing. Dust or other hazardous environmental pollutants can accumulate on the leaves and thus significantly reduce the amount of sunlight they so require.

As is known, this will lead to reduced chlorophyll production, which ultimately leads to plant disease. Not only does this result in the plant’s yellowish, unhealthy tinge – it also dies off.

Therefore, it is very important to clean these plants and their leaves that do not receive rainwater naturally. It is recommended to repeat this procedure at least twice a month.

Plant leaves and methods of cleaning them

1. First – water

You don’t need to be an expert to think of water as an essential resource in the cleansing and life support process. This is a valid deduction.

It may be a good idea to transfer the plant to the shower. When opening the tap – make sure that the water is lukewarm. This way you will get a gentle stream of water instead of an intense stream that can destroy delicate leaves. Using a hose or sprayer can also prove useful.

When a significant amount of dirty sediment builds up on the leaves – use a regular shower gel. The preparation should be applied on the leaves and then rinsed with clean, lukewarm water. Those who recommend this method suggest that it is better to protect the substrate of the potted plant in this process – so that the mixture remains only on the flowers and leaves.

2. Natural shine

It is a very effective technique except for plants with small and curly leaves. It works best with ficuses or philodendrons.

Plant leaves should be smeared and washed with water and soap to make them shine; Olive oil may be another useful ingredient. In both cases, we will achieve an aesthetic glow, emphasizing the values โ€‹โ€‹of the plants.

3. Clean plant leaves with milk or beer

As surprising as it may seem – milk is the right product to achieve the shining effect sought in this article. The procedure is simple: moisten the cloth with milk and rub it over the soiled leaves. You will notice fruitful results immediately. You can also use a little beer instead of milk.

Don’t worry – the plants don’t get intoxicated!

a glass of milk with milk for cleansing plant leaves

4. Banana peels and plant leaves

Moistening the plant leaves with the inside of the banana peel leaves them clean and shiny. As with milk, you will quickly notice the transformation your plant undergoes when its stomata are no longer clogged with toxic sludge.

5. Clean the plants with a toothbrush

Earlier, we mentioned that some processes are not worth using for velvety, curly leaves with small planes. To clean them, you can use an old toothbrush.

It’s very simple: keep the brush head underneath and gently move the brush over the surface. Start at the base and work carefully upward. Remember to rinse the brush from time to time and let it dry before using it again.

Other items that can be used are soft brushes or pipe cleaners (dusters). What’s more, even the leaves of the cleaned plant can be used as a useful tool to remove dust from other surfaces.

Other tips

In addition, it is important that the leaves of plants are not only vacuumed and cleaned regularly, but also that they should be cared for in a variety of ways. Perhaps the most important step will be to eliminate diseased plant parts.

Consider plant characteristics in the care process. And there are plants that are not conducive to pouring leaves. These will be, for example, cacti and succulents. For them, it is better to choose dry cleaning.

It only takes a few minutes to clean the leaves of the plants and you will be satisfied with the results. If you use them for interior decoration, the healthy and shiny appearance of the leaves will completely change the vitality of your home environment.

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