Items With An Expiry Date

Many of the things we use on a daily basis actually have an expiry date of some kind, which we don’t often realize. By not replacing these items in time, you are putting your health at risk. Check out the article below to find out if you have old items in your home with an expiration date.
Items with an expiry date

There are other than food items with an expiration date? We are in the habit of making sure that the food we eat is not past its expiry date. We also often choose food products that will not expire for a long time. The same goes for makeup, lotions, powders and other things we use every day.

But did you know that other household items also have an expiry date?

When buying these items, we usually don’t think about this detail. So pay attention to it and see what things may be affecting your health or causing problems in the future. You may be surprised what types of items with an expiration date are in your home.

Daily items with an expiration date

Please refer to the list below and be aware of the items that need to be replaced:

1. Pillows

Although they appear to be harmless, pillows can cause health problems. Over the years, they become a breeding ground for germs, mites, dead skin cells and saliva. Lying on a clean pillowcase does not mean that you protect yourself from the bacteria inhabiting the pillow.

Therefore, try to change your pillows every year. Do this and you will protect yourself from germs that can make you sick.

items with an expiry date

2. Toothbrushes

Toothbrushes can be inhabited by fungi, bacteria and germs. To keep your toothbrush clean, wash it under running water, then shake it to dry faster. Moreover, the more the toothbrush is worn, the less effective it will be. Therefore, you should replace your toothbrush every 3 months.

If someone in your home has the flu, mouth or throat infection, or has a cold, keep that person’s toothbrush separate, as viruses can spread to other toothbrushes. After you are ill, it is also advisable to replace the toothbrush as germs can still be lurking between the hairs and there is a risk that you will get sick again.

3. Washing sponges

One of the main uses of cleansing sponges is to remove dead skin cells. At the same time, they absorb all fungi, germs and bacteria. By rubbing your body with a sponge filled with bacteria, you run the risk of infection.

Try to keep your sponges clean and replace them every 4 months.

sponges with an expiration date

4. Baby bottles

To avoid disease, you should change your baby’s bottle frequently. If you notice that it is cracked, it is definitely time to replace it.

If the bottle is made of plastic, it very likely contains bacteria and germs. This means that no matter how often and thoroughly you wash it, there will still be microbes in it. So, if you notice that your baby’s bottle has turned yellow or has black spots (fungus) in the corners, it’s time to buy a new one.

5. Mattresses

If you are one of those people who have been sleeping on the same mattress since childhood, or are 20 years after the wedding and are sleeping on the mattress you bought right after the wedding, you should definitely consider buying a new one.

mattress with an expiry date

If you want to get a good night’s sleep, you need a good mattress. The mattress loses its shape over the years and is not a very hygienic object. You should replace it every 8-10 years. Like pillows, mattresses are a hotbed of all kinds of mites and bacteria that are not good for us.

6. Items with an expiry date, ie Disinfectants

The cleaners you can get in stores have an expiration date. You probably never paid attention to it and used them after the expiry date. While this does not affect your health, these measures are simply ineffective. After the expiration date, they are less effective and are ultimately useless.

7. Towels

items with an expiry date - towels

Other items with an expiration date

The list of such items is really long, so we will only mention a few things that should also be mentioned. You should do this even if they do not have an ‘use by’ date printed on them, as they lose their properties and become unusable anyway. They can also just be contaminated.

  • Insect repellants.
  • Alcohol.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Sunscreen cream.
  • Spices.
  • Combs.
  • Home footwear.
  • Sports shoes.

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