Intuition: Can You Use It?

Intuition is not a magical superpower, but a natural trait of each of us, based on life experience, knowledge and a dose of subconsciousness.
Intuition: Can You Use It?

Intuition  is a type of intelligence based on our life experience, knowledge, subconscious and observation skills. Although it is sometimes considered a kind of magical skill, it is also of interest to many scientists. Researchers such as Robin M. Hogarth or Malcolm Gladwell are trying to understand and describe this phenomenon as accurately as possible.

Intuition  is not a magic trick, but a logical response of our mind to everyday situations. It is the ability to hear and understand your inner voice, thanks to which we find answers to questions bothering us faster and more effectively. Do you want to know more? Read on!

Intuition – how to develop it?

On the other hand, when it comes to men, they very often make decisions intuitively, but they are not aware of it.

At this point, Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist who studies intuition and emotional intelligence, gives two very good examples. First, it highlights brokers who make decisions in seconds. They have very little time to analyze the data, so they necessarily act instinctively and based on previous experience.

The sunset

The second example are doctors who, in the event of saving lives, do not have time to thoroughly analyze the knowledge gained over the years. Therefore, they very often operate automatically, with well-worn thought patterns, which result to a large extent from experience and subconsciousness.

As you can see, intuition is a very important quality that can be crucial in some situations. If you want to work on your emotional intelligence and develop your intuition, read on for some tips to help you do this.

Learn to listen to your inner voice

Certainly, more than once in your life, you have experienced a situation in which, for virtually no reason, you suddenly felt what you should do. Sometimes it has to do with where we are or with people we meet and who we subconsciously feel a certain reluctance or even fear.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of such situations happen to us throughout our lives. Extremely often we follow our instincts without even realizing it. After all, your brain is a warehouse where memories, knowledge, images and even smells are stored over the years.

It all influences what kind of people we are and how we react to specific events.

Among the leaves

Is it worth trusting your intuition? The answer is yes. Intuition and emotional intelligence are part of you, your personality and experience. If you are ignoring your inner voice, you are also ignoring yourself.

Let’s discuss this with an example: imagine that you are receiving a job offer that will give you financial stability, but is not what you would like to do.

In your own head, you will wage a battle between your heart and your mind. What should be done in such a situation? First of all, listen carefully to your intuition. It is in a strong relationship with your emotions and personality.

Then look at your decision from a rational point of view. Is it worth putting wealth over personal happiness? Your intuition will surely give you the answer.

Choose “zen” thinking

Again, let us recall Daniel Goleman and his research on emotional intelligence. According to this American psychologist, the executives of the world’s largest corporations, such as Google and Facebook, have long directed their employees to think “zen”. As you can see, it works.

The “zen” philosophy is exactly what we are talking about in today’s article. It is about listening to your inner voice; the key aspect here is intuition and experience. For “Zen” thinking to be effective, you must first clear your mind and control your emotions. Only then can you trust your intuition.

Once you listen to your inner voice, you will be ready to return to the outside world and face the challenges. Intuition will make most of your decisions not only right, but also creative and surprisingly effective.

As you can see, intuition is an extremely important aspect of our lives. Thanks to it, we find answers to many questions that bother us and we act in harmony with ourselves. Of course, logical and rational considerations are also helpful, so it is best to reconcile the heart with the mind.

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