Infusions To Eliminate Toxins From The Body

Infusions that eliminate toxins from the body

It is quite normal that our body stores toxic substances that are products, processes and changes that take place in cells. Toxins  often contribute to the development of serious and even fatal diseases. So find out how to easily remove toxins  from your body.

Toxins can be divided into  exogenous and endogenous. The former are extrinsic and can enter the body through the respiratory tract, digestive tract and skin. In contrast, endogenous ones are those that the body produces itself through free radicals, intestinal bacteria, parasites, and through stress and anxiety.

To enjoy good health, try to eliminate these toxins, but also to reduce their production by the body. It is important to know that the body reacts with irritation, anxiety and allergies to the accumulated toxins  .

Fortunately, today we know that there are many plants that positively affect the level of pollutants in the body and help eliminate unwanted toxins.

Toxins – how to get rid of them from the body


A cleansing plant, diuretic, and thus highly detoxifying. Boil a liter of water and add two dry mistletoe leaves to the boiling water. After brewing, pour through a strainer and set aside to eat. If it is too bitter, you can sweeten the infusion with a little honey.


2 #: Artichoke-toxy.jpg

It is one of the most recommended plants for cleansing and slimming the body. Supports the work of the kidneys and digestive tract. Due to the fact that they contain insulin instead of starch, they are especially recommended for diabetics to reduce blood sugar levels.

To prepare the infusion, pour a glass of boiling water over the three leaves of the plant, strain after a few minutes and leave to cool. If you want to take full advantage of the beneficial properties of this plant, drink this infusion every day.

green tea

This tea is well known for its miraculous properties. First of all, it deserves attention due to the possibility of a significant reduction in blood cholesterol and high diuretic properties. The brewing process is very simple, pour three tea leaves into a glass of boiling water and set aside, then drink it.


2 #: Cranberry-toxin juice.jpg

An infusion of cranberries and other berries prevents water retention in the body. It is especially recommended for people who have problems with the urinary system and who often suffer from cystitis.


Infusions of this fruit perfectly stimulate digestion and reduce appetite, which is why they are often an ingredient of slimming diets. Put a few slices of grapefruit into boiling water, bring them to a boil and, after removing the remains of the fruit, cool and drink.


4 #: Thyme-toxyny.jpg

Thyme helps to cleanse the body and stimulates the digestive system. If you suffer from severe menstrual pain, it can also bring you relief. In addition, it is often used in the  fight against overweight and cellulite. Pour hot water over a tablespoon of the dried plant and drink it after brewing it.


Due to the fact that it is a strong diuretic, it works well in the process of kidney detoxification. The leaves and stems should be boiled, then drained and drunk.


5 #: Dandelion.jpg

Dandelion helps to cleanse the liver and mobilizes the digestive system. A tablespoon of dandelion should be poured with a cup of boiled water, let it brew. Before drinking, the infusion should be strained.


It helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Two tablespoons of parsley, cook for five minutes and set aside to cool. Before drinking, pour it through a strainer.


6 #: Celery-toxin cocktail.jpg

It turns out that celery infusion has many properties that have a beneficial effect on our body. In addition to its enormous cleansing and detoxification capabilities, it has a fantastic effect on the liver and is used in slimming diets. A few celery should be boiled in a liter of water and this infusion should be drunk throughout the day. Try to remove the accumulated toxins in your body with this particular vegetable.


The ingredients of these infusions are typical products that you can easily find in supermarkets. In addition to helping to remove toxins, they are great for weight loss. Remember, however, that they must be supported by a properly balanced and healthy diet. If you are pregnant, it is better not to consume the above drinks, as this may result in undesirable effects, such as diarrhea.

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