Inflammation And Swelling – How To Get Rid Of Them?

Inflammation and swelling - how to get rid of them?

In fact, it is very easy to become inflamed and swollen. They can be caused by an injury or an infection. They can also be the result of poor movement or a chronic condition in which the skin is constantly red and causes unbearable pain.

In today’s article, you will learn how to make swelling and inflammation go away faster at home and in a natural way .

What exactly is inflammation?

Inflammation is the body’s natural defense response. It can be caused by biological, chemical or physical factors. Inflammation aims to boost our body’s immune system.

Inflammation primarily widens blood vessels and increases their permeability and blood supply to the tissue. In addition, there is redness, pain, swelling and an increase in body temperature.

Man with back pain

In some cases, the inflamed area is not swollen and its temperature is lowered. In this article, we’ll look at ways to deal with these inflammations that cause swelling, pain, redness, and heat.

When and where to use anti-inflammatory agents?

You can apply them in the following circumstances:

  • Immediately after sustaining an injury, if the wound is not opened.
  • At the moment when a specific area is affected by chronic pain.
  • For the neck during a throat infection or other inflammation.
  • In the area of ​​the liver (the ribs on the right side of the abdomen) when pain or discomfort is felt. In this case, do not use the ice method and try one of the other two.
  • On the abdomen, when it causes painful discomfort and is swollen.


Feeling hot and inflamed is one of the hallmarks of inflammation. Therefore, one of the oldest and most popular ways to relieve this ailment is the use of ice.

It is important to remember that ice must not be applied directly to the skin, and you can choose one of the following alternatives instead:

  • A bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a piece of cloth.
  • Gel bags specially designed for this use.
  • Ice cubes wrapped with a piece of cloth.

Use a cold compress for at least 20 minutes.

Chronic inflammation is characterized by the absence of swelling and an increase in the temperature of the affected area. In such cases, it is more advisable to use warm compresses (water, electric mats), which will have a pleasant and relaxing effect.

Clay and turmeric

Clay is another natural product that has been used since antiquity. Mud was always an easily accessible product for everyone, and in addition without incurring unnecessary costs.

Today, of course, it is much safer to use purified clay powder, which you can easily buy in herbal or health food stores. It is enough to mix the clay with a small amount of water and form a homogeneous mass. In this form, we put it on the desired place, making sure that no water drips from the created mass.


It should be remembered that at the time of molding the clay mass, it is not recommended to use plastic, metal or clay pots. In contact with these substances, it loses its beneficial properties. Instead, it is better to opt for glass, wooden or ceramic dishes and containers.

After applying the clay mass, wait for it to dry. To enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of this product, add a little turmeric powder to the clay. This spice, in addition to relieving inflammation, has powerful analgesic properties.

Cabbage leaf wrap

Another simple home remedy to fight inflammation in your body is to use cabbage leaves. This may come as a surprise to some, but cabbage also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Eating it reduces internal inflammation in our body.

However, its advantages can also be used for external use.

All you will need to prepare the wrap are the three outer leaves of the cabbage head. How to use them?

  • First you need to set the pot of water for cooking.
  • When the water starts to boil, dip in it three times and pull out the cabbage leaves, warming them up a little. Then they are crushed with the help of a mortar.
  • The obtained preparation should be applied to the inflamed area, covered with a cloth, and finally covered with cling film.
  • Leave the applied compress for about 30 minutes.

Be sure to try our proposed methods. You will feel relieved soon.

Photos added courtesy of Ed Yourdon and Frabis

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