How To Strengthen The Immune System – 4 Vitamins

Use these 4 vitamins to boost your immune system
How to strengthen the immune system - 4 vitamins

To strengthen the immune system, a varied diet rich in nutrients is important. Therefore, the right amount of vitamins is essential for full health. Continuous colds and flu conditions that persist for a long time may indicate that the body is deficient in vitamins. In this article you will learn what 4 vitamins will help you strengthen your immune system.

Most often – it is not viruses or people infected with them that are the problem, but the defensive abilities of our immune system.

Vitamins to help strengthen the immune system

We present 4 vitamins that will help strengthen the immune system. They should be remembered not only during illness, but also for preventive purposes. In this way, the strengthened body will be able to avoid many infectious diseases.

1. Vitamin A

This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. It can be found in vegetables such as carrots, spinach, broccoli, and cabbage. It is also found in dairy products such as milk or butter, as well as in fruits – in melons, apricots and mangoes.

products containing vitamin A.
  • What is the function of vitamin A? It is involved in the formation of white blood cells and helps to fight infection.
  • This is extremely important in the event of a virus emerging. Vitamin A allows you to fight it and get rid of it quickly from the body.

2. Vitamin B

Vitamin B helps to strengthen the immune system. It can be found in fruits such as avocados, and in dairy products such as yogurt and milk, in vegetables such as asparagus, meat and fish.

  • Vitamin B is very important as it is involved in the production of red blood cells. It also supports our body in the production of antibodies, so in the case of a deficiency of this vitamin, their amount in the bloodstream decreases.
  • In this way, a weakened body is much more exposed to infections and less effective in fighting them.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is perhaps the best known of all vitamins, as manufacturers often advertise their products highlighting the high vitamin C content , such as orange juice.

We can find it in fruits and vegetables such as:

  • lemons
  • kiwi
  • strawberries
  • black currant
  • blackberries
  • parsley
  • Red pepper
vitamin C

4. Vitamin E

The fourth and final vitamin that boosts the immune system is found in walnuts, almonds and peanuts , as well as sunflower seeds, spinach and broccoli. The best oils for cooking and making salads are: sunflower oil, wheat germ oil and soybean oil.

  • Vitamin E strengthens the immune system thanks to its antioxidant properties. 
  • A deficiency of this vitamin weakens the body, making it more susceptible to viral infections.

The importance of vitamins for human health

We tend to ignore them and forget the important role of vitamins in our body. Often our diets lack variety when we choose the same products over and over again, forgetting about fruit and vegetables. In this way, we weaken our immune system.

Some of us only get sick from time to time, sometimes a few times a year or less. These people have a strong and resistant immune system.  The diet of these people does not lack vitamins from all food groups listed above. Do you remember the vitamins to boost your immune system?

Therefore, we encourage you to include in your diet all products containing vitamins A, B, C and E. You will soon notice a change, your body will be less susceptible to infections. You will get sick much less over time.

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