How To Straighten Your Hair Without Damaging It?

How to straighten your hair without damaging it?

In your daily fight against frizzy hair, you may find it easier to simply straighten your hair with a straightener. Even though straightening makes your hair look better and you have it under control, you also need to remember that excessive use of thermal devices can be wasteful. Read on for a few simple ways to straighten your hair without damaging it.

How to straighten your hair: some tips

  • First of all, when you start straightening your hair should be very dry. Do not dry your hair at maximum temperature. It will take a little longer to dry on medium heat, but your hair will thank you.
  • A healthy solution for your hair is to change your hairstyle every day. Try experimenting with different styles of hairstyles. This way, you will avoid straightening your hair for many days in a row and let it rest from high temperatures.
  • The temperature level of the straightener is also very important, especially if you are often in a hurry and tend to set it to the highest power. It may shorten the straightening time, but you will also notice damage to your strands faster.
  • Remember to treat your hair with a regenerating treatment at least once a month . Which treatment you choose will depend on your hair type – whether your hair is oily, dry or combination, and whether or not you subject it to high temperatures frequently.
  • When your tips are dry, it’s best to trim them. As a result, your hair will look and grow healthier. Dry, damaged ends prevent the hair from growing naturally and give it an unfavorable appearance.
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  • Before each straightening, it is also worth using a special product that will protect the hair from high temperature. After applying the preparation, let your hair absorb the active ingredients. Then dry them well and start straightening.
  • Before straightening, make sure your hair is brushed well. If you don’t, you may risk burning your tangled hair while straightening it.
  • Use small clamps to part your hair to straighten it out all the way, batch by batch.
  • Another important piece of information: if you frequently dye your hair, it is worth taking care of it even more if you don’t want to damage it. Chemically treated hair is even more susceptible to damage.
  • Also make sure that the straightener you are using is of good quality. Unfortunately, the cheaper ones are characterized by the fact that in the end they bring higher costs.

In addition to the above-mentioned tips, it is worth bearing in mind that your diet also affects the health and appearance of your hair. Inappropriate diet, as well as exposing the hair to high temperature, is a very unfavorable combination.

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Water is essential to keep the strands in perfect condition. Don’t forget to drink the right amount of it every day.

Below is a list of the nutrients needed to keep your hair strong, healthy and shiny, as well as products where you can find the right amount of them:

  • Iron: spinach, watercress, chicken, fish, pork, etc.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: sardines, tuna, walnuts, spinach, strawberries.
  • Zinc: fish, meat, eggs, cheese.
  • Selenium: garlic, onion, plums, melons, grapes.
  • Vitamin A: liver, eggs, carrots, almonds.
  • Vitamin B: dairy products, fruit, fish, red meat, eggs.
  • Vitamin C: guava, kiwi, peppers, papaya, oranges, spinach.
  • Folic acid: chickpeas, liver, lentils, avocados, tomatoes, bananas.

If your hair is very dry, dull and brittle, in consultation with your doctor, you can use dietary supplements full of many important nutrients. The result will be beautiful, healthy and strong hair that will delight everyone.

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