Hormonal Economy – Natural Methods Of Regulation

By undertaking hormonal regulation with natural means, we can avoid all kinds of side effects that simply will not occur, and that appear when using dietary supplements composed of chemical products
Hormonal economy - natural methods of regulation

The hormonal balance is an extremely important element of our health, which directly affects the operation of many systems in our body, and thus also our well-being. The hormonal balance is extremely important, especially during menstrual problems, acne, fertility problems or libido disorders.

Did you know, however, that by using natural methods, you can make your body’s hormonal balance much more stable? Moreover, you can achieve it without putting yourself at risk of suffering from side effects. When you try our method, you will see how much the quality of life changes when the body’s hormonal balance is working properly.

The body’s hormonal balance – you can regulate it

The way hormones work, their amount in our body, and the way they are distributed are strictly dependent on our genetic characteristics. This does not mean, however, that we cannot make the body stay in balance in this matter. This can be achieved by using an appropriate nutrition strategy for this purpose, as well as by using properly selected dietary supplements.


The latter include, but are not limited to, the following elements that should be avoided:

  • Consuming meat products and cow’s milk that are not produced in accordance with ecological standards. They contain hormones that, when taken into the body, disrupt our hormonal balance.
  • Non-fermented soybean products, such as soy milk or various types of soy flour.
  • Avoid stress, which negatively affects most body functions.
  • A diet rich in refined products and sugar.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • The usual consumption of pills, especially contraceptive pills.
  • Consuming alcohol.

Read on to learn more about these products that can definitely be your allies in regulating the level of hormones produced.

1. Linseed oil

This natural vegetable oil is obtained by the high-pressure cold pressing of flax seeds. These seeds should always be protected from high temperatures and also from light to prevent oxidation.

This oil is sold both as a food product and as a dietary supplement. In both cases, a valuable property is that it supplies the body with saturated omega 3 fatty acids.

Linseed oil is especially recommended when someone has inflammation, hormonal imbalance and fertility problems. All this is due to the phytoestrogens contained in it. To achieve the desired results, we should necessarily take it raw.

2. Maca root

The maca root is a tuber native to the Andes, very popular in Peru, known today as superproducts. Apart from the fact that it provides a lot of energy and has a stimulating effect, maca root can rejuvenate and regenerate the entire endocrine system, both in women and men.

Maca root

Maca provokes a balance in the endocrine system because it stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. In this way, it helps to solve problems related to disorders that occur during menstruation, libido and fertility. It also acts as a remedy for beautifying skin and hair.

3. Evening primrose oil

The popular evening primrose oil is a natural remedy useful especially for those women who struggle with various types of menstrual disorders. Another reason why you should be interested in this product is entering the menopause.

The man presses his hands on his stomach

Evening primrose oil contains saturated omega 6 fatty acids, which are irreplaceable for maintaining hormonal balance. For this reason, many gynecologists recommend taking it during premenstrual syndrome. Especially to combat infertility, to prevent ovarian cysts and endometriosis.

If you decide to try evening primrose oil, we recommend choosing one that also contains vitamin E, which on the one hand preserves it effectively and, on the other, makes it easier for the body to absorb it.

4. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is an excellent dietary supplement that provides the body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It has a great effect on both physical health and a beautiful external appearance. Yeast contains zinc, among other things. This mineral has a direct influence on the secretion of essential hormones in the body.

Also, the other ingredients of brewer’s yeast, due to their abundance, do not allow our body to suffer from a deficit of any of them. In one way or another, they contribute to the proper hormonal balance of our body.

5. Dill

Different parts of fennel are used in many hormone products intended for women. And quite rightly so, because they increase the level of hormones such as estrogen in a completely natural and safe way.

Fennel is a natural remedy, the consumption of which is recommended especially during menopause. In addition, fennel is worth eating when pregnant. Mainly due to the fact that it supports the process of milk production in the mother’s body. Also during breastfeeding.

Regardless of what we eat and how, it is worth maintaining constant contact with a doctor or other specialist who will surely dispel any emerging doubts.

Photos courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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