Heartburn And Acidosis – See The Differences!

While the symptoms are similar and we often confuse the two, heartburn and acidity are actually the opposite. Heartburn occurs as a result of a lack of stomach acid, acidity is caused by an excess of the same substance.
Heartburn and Acidity - Know the Differences!

Many people complain about one of the title ailments, usually after eating a not very healthy meal. Others get heartburn or acidity day in and day out, no matter what they eat.

The topic of today’s article will be heartburn and acidosis. Knowing about both conditions and knowing how to tell them apart will help you determine which one you have.

Thanks to such knowledge, you will be able to apply one of the natural healing therapies described later in this article.

Heartburn or acidity? – Key Factors

Some of the factors that play a role in each of the two conditions are identical. So, first of all, we will focus on them:

  • Combine different types of food in one meal, such as meat and fish, legumes and meat, dairy and meat, etc. Try to simply eat simpler meals.
  • Eating too much food. If your stomach is having a hard time digesting it, the healthiest thing you can do for it is eat smaller portions throughout the day. Thanks to this, he will be able to cope with the digestion of food bite by bite.
  • Eating desserts high in fat, protein, or sugar. They are difficult to digest and cause weight gain, so you should eat them only in the morning or in the afternoon.
Citrus fruits
  • Eating citrus for dessertGenerally speaking, citrus fruits are difficult to digest because they are high in acid. Try to limit yourself to pears and apples, and eat citrus fruit in the morning.
  • Eating too fast without chewing properly.
  • Drinking plenty of water with your meal. It is much healthier to drink water half an hour before or shortly after you have finished digesting your meal.
  • Eating a meal while you are stressed, nervous, anxious or irritable. Try to stay calm while eating, stay in a comfortable, familiar place, focus only on eating and surround yourself with people who do not upset you.
  • Long-term use of antacids, which can affect the natural acidity of your stomach.


People who suffer from heartburn are different from the rest because their stomachs produce a limited amount of stomach acid and the food that is not fully digested starts to ferment in their stomach .

Other common symptoms include:

  • Slow and difficult digestion
  • Burning sensation after eating
  • Satisfaction quickly achieved
  • Occurring other ailments in the form of constipation, flatulence and swelling of the gums.

Methods of dealing with ailments caused by heartburn

Use the following tips to combat your heartburn:

  • Eat smaller portions throughout the day and a little more often.
  • Do not eat very hot or very cold food.
  • Even if you think your digestive processes are fast and smooth, try to chew each bite very thoroughly and generally eat slowly.
  • Take natural dietary supplements based on digestive enzymes depending on the type of food that is most difficult for you to digest (fat, protein, carbohydrates).


It can be recognized by the following symptoms :

  • You have excess acidity before a meal.
  • Usually occurs when you are hungry, and gradually subsides as you eat.
  • You feel like drinking plenty of cold water.
  • Occurring constipation and swelling of the gums.

Ways of dealing with hyperacidity

  • Although you feel that the excess acidity will improve with eating, try to eat as slowly as possible. In addition, chew each bite thoroughly. Also, make sure you choose healthy and fresh ingredients.
A portion of fries
  • Avoid acidic or acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, refined flour, sugar, fried foods, milk, or red meat.
  • However, you can drink some lemon juice because the acid has the ability to neutralize the acids in the human stomach.

Natural methods of lowering the acid content in the stomach

If you are suffering from acidity or heartburn so badly that you need to take a symptom relief remedy, give a chance to one of the natural acid-neutralizing products without changing the natural pH of your stomach.

Umeboshi apricots in a jar

At the same time, drugs and baking soda should be avoided, as their use may have negative effects in the long term.

Umeboshi apricots:

  • Japanese apricots called umeboshi have a very distinct flavor that is salty and sour at the same time. This is due to the fermentation process to which these fruits are subjected.
  • However, they have a very beneficial effect – just place a piece of apricot in the center of the tongue, leave it for a few seconds and then swallow it.

White kaolin clay (for oral use):

  • Kaolin is an extremely beneficial dietary supplement that can help eliminate toxins from your body and also neutralize excess acidity in your stomach.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of china clay in a glass of water, stirring with a non-plastic and non-metal spoon, for example wooden. Let the mixture rest for ten minutes and then drink it.

Raw Potato Juice:

  • Potato juice, despite its strange appearance and taste, is a natural remedy for ailments such as heartburn or acidosis, and you almost always have it at hand.
  • For its preparation, you can use well-washed potatoes or simply buy this juice at a natural food grocery store.

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