Garlic Soup – Try This Fantastic Recipe

Here is a recipe for a very nutritious, exquisite Spanish soup from the Castile and León region. It is a traditional and old-fashioned soup.
Garlic soup - try this fantastic recipe

Garlic soup called Castilian is one of the traditional Spanish soups and reliable “grandma’s recipes”. In this article, we will present a recipe for this delicious and inexpensive soup.

Health benefits of garlic – health garlic soup

Apart from its great taste and aroma, garlic has very valuable nutritional properties. Below you can read how its excellent properties can improve our health. So don’t hesitate, try our recipe and you will find out how great garlic soup tastes!

Very nutritious and low in calories

In addition to being healthy, garlic also has weight loss. It is low in calories, contains vitamins and minerals, which improves metabolism.

garlic for garlic soup

Allicin: the secret of garlic

In the old days, garlic was used as a remedy for digestive diseases and various stomach problems. It is now known that garlic owes its unusual properties to a substance called allicin.

Garlic: a powerful antioxidant

Nowadays, garlic is a highly valued and widely used product. However, few people know that they have a powerful and inexpensive product with antioxidant properties in their kitchen : garlic.

It contains vitamin C and flavonoids that fight free radicals and prevent cell damage.

Eating garlic every day strengthens the walls of blood vessels in people with hypertension. In addition, garlic’s antioxidant effect slows down the symptoms of senile dementia and the first stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Garlic to strengthen the immune system

You’ve probably heard that garlic is an excellent remedy for colds. By taking a daily garlic supplement, you can reduce the risk of colds by 60%.

Garlic soup: a delicious, simple and affordable recipe

Ingredients (for 6 people)

  • 10 cloves of garlic (50 g)
  • 6 eggs (optional) (250 g)
  • 12 slices of stale bread (72 g)
  • Smoked ham (150 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (50 ml)
  • Salt, pepper and sweet pepper (to taste)
  • 2 and 1/2 liters of meat broth (you can also use chicken or vegetable broth)
garlic soup

Preparation – easy and tasty garlic soup

  1. The first step in preparing this soup is to peel and slice the main ingredient: a clove of garlic. Cut each clove into not very thin slices.
  2. Pour olive oil into a large pot and set it on the gas. Put the chopped garlic in the hot pot and sauté lightly. Garlic turns brown quite quickly, so be careful not to burn it.
  3. Then add the finely diced smoked ham and fry it lightly, taking care not to burn it.
  4. Add 6 pieces of stale bread and sauté with garlic and ham.
  5. When the bread is slightly toasted, turn off the burner and add paprika in any amount, mix well.
  6. Once all the ingredients have been mixed well and will have the color of a paprika, turn the burner back on and simmer the ingredients.
  7. When all the ingredients are hot, add the warm stock. It gives the soup more flavor than water.
  8. Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes. It is best not to mix, but only to shake the pot gently.
  9. While waiting for the soup to boil, make croutons from the remaining six pieces of bread in a pan with a little olive oil.
  10. After 20 minutes, add the croutons to the soup and let it soften. Add salt, pepper and mix.

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