Five Natural Remedies For Ingrown Hair Removal

In addition to reducing inflammation, apple cider vinegar regulates the pH level of the skin and helps eliminate residues that hinder normal hair growth.
Ingrown hair - home methods to fight this problem

Ingrown hairs are shaved hair that grows back under the skin. They are formed by blocking the hair follicles in which dead skin cells and the remains of sebum accumulate on the surface of the skin.

Ingrown hair is a problem that can affect anyone at any time in their life, especially if the person has very curly hair or does not use scrubs before and after shaving.

While ingrown hairs are harmless – they only appear occasionally – they can cause inflammation, redness, and other unpleasant skin consequences. Fortunately, there are some natural methods that can help you prevent the consequences and bring out your hair without too much trouble.

In our article, we would like to share the top 5 solutions to this nuisance problem.

Ingrown hairs and their causes

Ingrown hairs form when the hair, instead of growing straight and out, cannot break through the skin barrier.

This can happen because of dead skin build up around the hair follicles, or because the hair is too thin and curly.

Other related factors include:

  • Using electric or conventional razors
  • Dry shaving
  • Stretching the skin while shaving
  • Nibbling

Symptoms of ingrown hairs

ingrown hair

Other symptoms that may indicate ingrown hair are as follows:

  • Reddened skin
  • Small pus-filled bumps that look similar to blisters
  • Darkened skin
  • Pain or tenderness
  • Feeling itchy

Natural solutions to remove ingrown hairs

To successfully remove the ingrown hairs, it is important to determine if the shaving method is causing the problem. Take a short break from shaving, at least until you see improvement. During this time, you can try some natural remedies that will soften the skin, making it easier to remove ingrown hairs.

1. Warm compress

Hand compress ingrown hair

Applying a warm compress to the infected area can soften the tissue surrounding the inflammation, making it easier to bring out ingrown hairs.

Usage method

  • Dip a small towel or cloth in hot water and apply it to the area where the hair grows.
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes, take it off for another 5 and repeat the process.
  • Use this treatment several times a day until the hairs are close enough to the skin’s surface and can be easily removed.

2. Sea salt

This natural exfoliant helps remove dead skin cells on the skin’s surface, restoring the original function of the affected hair follicles. Sea salt improves blood circulation and helps the hair to grow properly, among other things.

Usage method

  • Add a little water to the sea salt for a paste-like consistency and massage the affected area with circular movements.
  • Leave for 5 minutes and rinse.
  • Repeat the treatment every day until the ingrown hairs are gone.

3. Apple cider vinegar

ingrown hair

Usage method

  • Dip a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar and apply it over the ingrown hair.
  • Press it down gently and let it sit for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a day until the problem disappears.

4. Baking soda

Another exfoliating and disinfecting product that can help combat this problem is one-of-a-kind baking soda. Using baking soda will reduce the build-up of dead skin and sebum residue. This way, you will unblock clogged hair follicles.

Usage method

  • Make a paste using baking soda and water. Then massage it into the affected area.
  • Leave for 5 minutes and rinse off.
  • Repeat this 2 times a day for best results.

5. Black tea

Black tea contains tannin, which thi t the substance that softens the skin while reducing inflammation and redness.

ingrown hair

Usage method

  • Pour hot water over the black tea bag and let it brew.
  • Once the water has cooled down, put the bag over the affected area and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the treatment 2 or 3 times a day.

See a pimple or two on your skin after shaving? If so then do not hesitate and try one of the listed measures to deal with this annoying problem quickly.

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