Find Out What Types Of Food Add Kilos

The most fattening food!

Some time ago, research was conducted to identify “the worst possible food in the world. ” Researchers have pinpointed certain types, but the truth is that it all depends on the size of the portion and how often you eat it. However, if you want to lose weight or lower your cholesterol, it is imperative that you eliminate junk  food  from your diet. Thanks to this, you will also have more energy for the whole day.

Which food will make you fat most?

These 12 nutritional products, according to a study by Harvard University, cause the greatest weight gain. We present from the most fattening and unsafe.


French fries sold in fast food restaurants are one of the most dangerous foods because they are delicious and we get addicted to them. In fact, they are only sugar and fat. Homemade fries are just a little less harmful.

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It is an excellent snack that cannot be missed at any house party, we also like to eat it between meals. They have a lot of fat and salt, which causes weight gain. They also do not satisfy our hunger, which is why we often eat them in large quantities.

Sweetened drinks

Drinking one or two bottles of different colored beverages not only causes weight gain, but also dangerously raises blood glucose levels. It doesn’t matter if it’s the “0 calorie” version  or not; they are always harmful to health.

Fat meat

Too much beef and pork contribute to weight gain, and it can also increase cholesterol due to the fat in them (this is mostly pork).

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Processed meat products

Such as e.g. sausage. They are high in saturated fat, calories, sodium and colorants. They are not healthy for children or adults, and their consumption is not recommended.

Trans fats

Hundreds of products that we see on supermarket shelves contain a certain group of saturated fats (so-called trans fats), which are very harmful to health. They are found mainly in frozen and processed food, as well as in ready-made products.


In many countries, this vegetable can be served in many different ways, but regardless of its form, one plate of potatoes per day is enough to cause problems in the body, such as a heavy feeling in the stomach and a false feeling of fullness.

Sweets and cookies

Cookies, cakes, bakery products etc. are harmful to health because they contain large amounts of sugar and fats. After a meal for dessert, it is better to eat fruit.

Incomplete grain

Such as, for example, white rice, which is consumed in enormous amounts worldwide because of its price and effectiveness in satisfying hunger. The problem here is not the rice itself, but rather the “whitening” process. Nothing that is fed to such processes is healthy because it is not natural. Try to buy whole grain rice or brown rice.

Fried food

Aside from the potatoes we mentioned earlier, other deep-fried foods are harmful, especially those we can buy in restaurants and stalls. Home-fried food in oil of known origin is slightly less harmful. So this applies to any breaded meat, vegetables, etc.

Fruit juices in cartons and bottles

Even the ones labeled “100% natural” are not entirely natural because they contain too many sugars to be found on the shelf in the health food section. In many cases, dyes and preservatives contained in them are additionally harmful.


The fats used to make butter are bad and harmful to the body, including the skin. It has been proven that people who consume butter or mayonnaise are more likely to have clogged pores on their faces and oily skin. Butter has also been proven to raise cholesterol.

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Other harmful food

In addition to the 12 foods previously mentioned, here are some other foods that are recommended not to be eaten too often:

  • Pasta : Especially made of white flour. A moderate amount once a week will not cause any harm, problems begin when we eat it every day with the addition of various sauces, cheeses and spices. All of this contains the calories and carbohydrates that make you gain weight.
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  • Salad and meat additives:  this group includes mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, spice mixes, etc. Each of them contains huge amounts of salt and fat, which increases triglyceride levels to dangerously high levels.
  • Chocolate; although at this point we have to make a few exceptions. For example, dark chocolate that contains more cocoa is not harmful (if you eat it rationally, of course). But if you buy cheaper types of chocolate and chocolate substitutes at a supermarket, know that they definitely have additives, preservatives and sweeteners in them. In any case, especially avoid white chocolate, which is high in chemicals, fat and sugar.

Food that practically does not make you gain weight

On the other side of the coin there are products that give us a pass to eat them in any quantity and at any time.

  • White or oily fish:  crucian carp, whiting, red bream, hake, cod etc are good because they contain no carbohydrates or fats, and they offer omega-3 fatty acids and phosphorus.
  • Lean meat : i.e. chicken or turkey, for example, which are fat-free. They are filling and contain a lot of protein.
  • Molluscs, crustaceans: clams, lobsters, crabs, oysters, squid etc. have very little fat and are rich in iodine and zinc, but they contain good quality proteins and very little carbohydrate.
  • Vegetables : spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomato, onions, lettuce, cabbage, chard, leeks, asparagus, and so on and so on … They provide enormous amounts of vitamins and minerals and have almost no fat at all. They also provide the body with large amounts of water.
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  • Legumes: lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, green beans, etc., provide the body with zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and many vitamins and, above all, protein.
  • Fruits: You could enter virtually all of them on the list, with a few minor exceptions: bananas, grapes, coconut and quince – these have slightly more sugars. All fruits keep the body hydrated and provide it with antioxidants.
Photos courtesy of Harsha KR, Stu_Spivack, grendelkhan, Jessica Merz, Sean McEntee, John Loo and Christopher.

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