Fifty-year-old Body Looking Younger

When you are old it can be harder to stay in shape, but it all depends on the attitude and finding a passion that gives you satisfaction and, above all, gets you moving!
How to stay in shape after your 50s - here are some tips

Both men and women should cultivate healthy habits throughout their lives to stay fit in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s.

It should be emphasized that it is especially important to stay fit after the age of 50, i.e. after menopause or “andropause”, as this will avoid the common health problems that arise in this period of life.

Below are some tips on how to take care of your health when you are already 50 years old.

Life begins at 50!

In times past, someone who started a family, raised children, and was approaching retirement was seen as “old.” Fortunately, times have changed, and today the age with the “five ahead” is no obstacle to make a change in your life and start a completely new stage in it.

Much progress has also been made in terms of medical science. It used to be thought that exercise was dangerous for postmenopausal women. We now know that effort is good at any age. We recommend finding your favorite form of activity and doing it with people of a similar age.

Integration with people in our age range, combined with participation in games and outdoor activities, and preferably also in various workshops or courses, will make us living examples of the saying “healthy mind in a healthy body”.

How to stay fit after 50

Regardless of whether we have been physically active all our lives or have never entered the gym, it is very important to get into the habit of exercising regularly. Staying up to 50 is not Mission Impossible. Before we get down to business, it is helpful to read the following tips.

Define your goals

Why do you want to exercise? In order to lose weight? Or maybe you want to work on balance or strengthen specific parts of the body? Or you just want to live a healthy life?

Perhaps you want to clear your mind, relieve stress, or meet new people? Being aware of our goal will allow us to focus on it on those days when we will not want to leave the house at all.

Elderly couple on a bicycle

Find an exercise that’s right for you

Adequate, that is, appropriate for our age, body structure, capabilities and experience. Finding them may turn out to be a difficult task, but it is worth the task.

Let’s try everything until we find an exercise that we like. When we find ourselves trying not to miss any class in our discipline, it will be known that this is it!

Set aside time to exercise in your schedule

Once you have chosen the form of activity, you have to decide how much time during the day or week you want to spend on it. Let us skillfully combine our daily tasks with physical effort, and we will not have to give up anything.

If we have a lot of responsibilities, let’s arrange our day plan in a professional way.

time for exercise by a running couple

To stay in shape in your 50s – Use exercise as entertainment

Keeping in shape is working in the long run. If we miss a day or two of practice, it’s not the end of the world.

Let us not reproach ourselves when we are sick, we do not feel strong, or when it is raining and going outside is the last thing we want to do. Use this time to be with your family, take a nap or watch a movie.

Change your diet

It is worth seeking advice from a dietitian about the diet so that it is tailored to our needs and age. In addition, it is worthwhile to diversify our diet by adding more fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains to it.

postmenopausal diet

Here are the exercises to stay in shape after 50

First of all, the most important thing is to exercise slowly and gradually, especially if you have not exercised much (or not at all).

Here are some great exercises for people over 50:

1. Walk

  • walking is a basic form of exercise, recommended at all ages. Its biggest advantage is that you can walk anywhere and anytime.
  • it is best to walk outdoors, but when it’s cold or raining, you can use the treadmill in the gym or in the sports hall
  • we can double use the time by going for a walk with the family or with the dog
  • one hour of walking a day is recommended. Let’s put on comfortable shoes and walk at our own pace.

2. Dance

What is life worth without a song?” ”What about dancing? Music combined with movement – there is probably no better combination. Especially since dancing is extremely good for health.

Dancing is a great way to improve motor coordination, increase self-confidence, and also … oxygenate the blood!


3. Yoga

The ancient art of yoga can prove especially helpful in staying in shape after the age of 50.

As for the properties of yoga, it is worth mentioning that:

  • yoga tones the muscles
  • increases flexibility
  • improves balance
  • gives a feeling of emotional therapy

You can practice it at a fast or slow pace – depending on your preferences – and at the same time go deep into yourself.

4. Swimming


Can’t you swim? No problem – the period after 50 is a great opportunity to sign up for a course and learn! In addition to swimming, we can also do various exercises in the shallow part of the pool (e.g. water aerobics).

Most of the pools are indoor facilities, so bad weather will not be an obstacle.

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