Exfoliation – Why Is It Worth Doing?

Exfoliation - why is it worth doing?

Exfoliation, or peeling, is the removal of dead epidermis cells and although the skin gets rid of these dead cells on its own about once a month, this process becomes less and less frequent with age, and dead epidermis cells, when not regularly removed, hinder the growth of new ones. cells. Regular exfoliation will help our body to function well and this is exactly why you should do it ! Now that we know that we should perform a peeling to help our skin maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance, we will share some easy recipes that are economical, effective and simple, and allow you to moisturize and renew your skin.

Carrot exfoliation

2 # carrot-mask-exfoliation.jpg

Using a fruit juicer, squeeze the carrot juice, mix it with a moisturizing cream and apply the resulting mixture to your hands, feet and face. We can do this while bathing. Then rinse with water.

The best lemon on the elbows

The elbows are usually the area of ​​our body that we care for the least, which is very bad because we should care for our elbows as much as we do for our face. We cut the lemon in half and massage the elbows with the half obtained, the secret is to rub the juice into the skin as much as possible, after the massage is finished, let the juice absorb for a few minutes, then wash it with baby oil.


Dissolve the aspirin in a glass of water and soak a cotton pad in the prepared solution, then wash your face with it. This will serve as an astringent!


Pour a few tablespoons of sugar into a bowl and add a little hand cream, rub the whole thing into the arms, hands and feet.

Face pairing

We boil a liter of water and pour it into a bowl, lean our face over the steaming water and stay in this position for five minutes. This treatment will open the pores, making it easier to remove blackheads and dead skin. The treatment is not recommended for couperose skin.


3 # honey-eksfoliacja.jpg

We mix a tablespoon of honey with two crushed almonds and add half a tablespoon of lemon juice. The mask prepared in this way should be applied to the face once a week, then rinsed with warm water.


We need a piece of papaya seedless, rub it into a smooth mass and put it on the face. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that dissolves fat and removes dead skin cells.

Grape seed oil for cellulite

We combine two tablespoons of grape seed oil, seven grams of cornmeal and four drops of lemon juice, mix until smooth. We apply it to the area of ​​the hips and thighs, massaging in with circular movements. This massage will help to reduce cellulite very well.


We mix three tablespoons of oat flakes with ¼ tablespoon of milk, then put a cotton ball in the mixture, which will allow us to drain the excess milk and make the mask thicker. We put the prepared mask on the face.


We mix green, white or red clay with a little mineral water until a smooth paste is obtained. Then, in the bathroom, apply this paste all over the body (except for intimate places), leave it for ten minutes, and then wash it off with warm water.

olive oil

4 # olive-oil-exfoliation.jpg

Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with one tablespoon of salt. Salt will cleanse our body while olive oil will moisturize it.

Honey, lemon, and sugar

We mix these three ingredients in equal proportions until we get a smooth mass. Then we apply our hands to the whole body, while making a massage with circular movements.


Thanks to coffee, we can peel the whole body. All you need to do is mix a little coffee with a moisturizing body lotion, massage it into the whole body, and then rinse with warm water.

baking soda

The recipe for this natural exfoliation is very simple, just mix a little baking soda with water until you get a thick mass, and then apply it all over your body.


5 # banana-exfoliation.jpg

This recipe is perfect for oily skin! First, rub a ripe banana, add 3 tablespoons of sugar and ¼ tablespoon of vanilla extract. We apply the prepared peeling to the whole body, it is very important to massage the body in circular movements, going from the lower parts of the body upwards. Finally, we rinse the body with warm water.

Coconut and brown sugar

This recipe is perfect to pamper your body, besides being wonderfully moisturizing, thanks to its texture and smell, it has a relaxing effect. We mix half a glass of coconut oil with half a glass of brown sugar, and with the prepared mixture we massage the whole body. Finally, we rinse the body with warm water.

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