Exercises For Leg Muscles – Some Tips

For best results, the leg and lower body exercises described here should be combined with intense cardiovascular training.
Leg Muscle Exercises - Some Tips

Having well-developed shoulder and back muscles that are larger than the thighs and buttocks is a common problem among bodybuilders. They just focus on the upper body and completely ignore the leg exercises .

In our article today, you will find a few suggestions for leg exercises that will help you better sculpt your lower body. And that’s regardless of whether you are into bodybuilding or just want to look a little better.

Remember, however, that for the best possible results, the leg and lower body exercises described here should be combined with intense cardiovascular training. So simply exercises from the cardio group.

The best exercises for the leg muscles in our opinion

If you don’t like your lean legs, do these leg muscle exercises to stimulate growth and strength. Remember, however, that your diet is the key factor in ensuring the best results. Therefore, we recommend consuming more calories to compensate for those consumed during the exercises described.

Now that the above remark is behind us, let’s get down to business. In our opinion, the procedure for sculpting and strengthening the muscles of the legs should include the following exercises:

1. Weight squats are the best exercises for leg muscles!

You probably already know perfectly standard squats. It is one of the best exercises for building the thigh muscles by evenly putting weight on all the muscle fibers in this area of ​​the body. Start with light dumbbells and do at least 12 repetitions of this exercise.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Straighten your back and take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Keep your arms hanging to the side of your body.
  • Slowly bend your knees and push your buttocks back while extending your arms in front of you.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and then return to the starting position.

2. Stretching and straightening the legs

Do this exercise for leg muscles only in the gym. A special machine is required for its proper execution. Fortunately, most good gyms have one. It is possible to do this exercise without a machine, but you may injure yourself.

  • Initially, select a lower load and increase it gradually.
  • From a sitting position, bend and straighten your legs, then come back to the starting position.
  • You can alternate one leg with the other, or both legs at once, as you see fit.

3. Bending one leg

You will also need a gym with a suitable machine and the highest load you can carry for this exercise for the leg muscles. You can also use simply ankle weights for this purpose.

Bend your leg
  • Stand in a straight-back position with the exercise lever on your right calf. The left leg should remain still and free.
  • Grasp the handle of the device to keep your balance.
  • Slowly lift your right leg up, bending your knee backwards (as if you are trying to kick yourself in the buttock).
  • Do 20 repetitions of this exercise, then move the machine lever to your left leg and do the entire exercise again.

4. Exercising the back of the thighs on the bench

The exercise described in this section uses a different body position to train the leg muscles. You will need a bench with a weight load for this. You can also use additional weights on your ankles.

  • Begin by fully extending your legs parallel to the floor and lying on your stomach.
  • Now lift your feet up and try to touch your buttocks with your heels (or at least bring your feet as close as possible).
  • Do 20 repetitions of this exercise on the leg muscles.

5. Weightlifting

This leg exercise is great for your upper body as well. So you can find them very universal. Start exercising with a barbell with light weights and gradually increase the weight of the weights.

  • Place your feet hip-width apart.
  • Lift the barbell off the ground, keeping your knees bent.
  • To get it all the way up, push your buttocks backwards and slowly stretch your legs.
  • Remember not to bend your back. This will prevent possible injuries.

6. Deep squats

This version is a bit more difficult than regular squats. You will need a large weight (for example a kettlebell) for this to properly perform these exercises for the leg muscles.

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Your feet should be facing outwards.
  • Hold the weight with both hands at chest height (like a hug).
  • Bend your knees and lower your buttocks until you almost touch the ground.
  • This movement should be dynamic. And you shouldn’t stay in this position for more than 2 seconds.

7. Lunges with dumbbells

You will need two dumbbells of the same weight. It will be best to just choose the heaviest exercise that you can handle.

Lunges with dumbbells
  • Stand with your back straight, holding the dumbbells in straight arms along your body.
  • Retract your right leg, slide your left leg forward, and bend both knees, lowering your entire body and thighs. Remember to keep your back straight. Try to lower your right knee as close to the floor as possible.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this exercise, now swapping your legs.

8. Sumo squats

These leg exercises are very similar to deep squats. You can use dumbbells or a kettlebell to enhance the effect.

  • Spread your legs wide apart and keep your back straight.
  • Then, pick up the weight with both hands and hold it in front of your belly.
  • Bend your knees and push your buttocks backwards. Bring the weight as close to the floor as possible.

9. Bulgarian squats

You can do the leg exercise described in this section at home or at the gym, as it only requires the use of a bench or chair.

Bulgarian squats
  • Place your right foot on a chair.
  • Bend your left knee and lower your entire body while lowering your right knee as far as you can (until it almost touches the floor).
  • Do 5 repetitions of this exercise and then swap your legs.

10. Exercises for the muscles of the legs, cardio type with weights

To end your standard training program or before starting your training session, we recommend that you use cardio equipment in the gym. In addition to improving the health of the cardio-respiratory system, they help to train the muscles of the entire body.

For example, try 10 minutes of exercise on a stationary bike, 10 minutes on an elliptical trainer, and 10 minutes on a stepper on the most difficult setting.

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