European Patients’ Rights Day: Why Is It Celebrated?

The European Patients’ Rights Day reminds us of the importance of equal treatment of people in need of medical care in the healthcare systems of the European nations. Find out more about it!
European Patients' Rights Day: why is it celebrated?

The European Patients’ Rights Day entered the calendar on 18 April. This initiative was launched by the Active Citizenship Network (ACN), the Active Citizenship Network.

The general reasons for establishing a European Patients’ Rights Day relate to fair treatment in the healthcare that citizens receive, no matter where in the European Union they are located.

Thus, elementary guidelines were established that must be followed in order for the imbalance to cease to be a serious problem.

Therefore, we will analyze in detail what the Active Citizenship Network is and the reasons for celebrating the European Patients’ Rights Day. In addition, we will present the laws established and the importance of enforcing each point.

What is the Active Citizenship Network?

Active Citizenship Network is an organization that brings together a large number of civic groups from all over Europe. The goal of the movement is to involve citizens in generating ideas and making decisions in line with their experiences.

The beginning of ACN dates back to 2001, since then the association has been able to fine-tune its assumptions and goals. Among the peculiarities that characterize this organization, the following stand out:

  • They work with partners on specific projects and not on the basis of permanent membership.
  • They attach more importance to internet communication, and not to the headquarters, which is the operational center.
  • They try to give citizens decision-making power and real initiative.
  • The primary language of communication for them is English.
  • They direct their activities to a greater extent to the national organizations of European countries.

Why is the European Patients’ Rights Day?

The European Patients’ Rights Day aims to emphasize the importance of respecting 14 rights that should be enjoyed by healthcare patients. On the other hand, it also aims to increase the joint work of the various health systems in Europe.

The point is that each of them should have what is necessary to meet their needs.

In addition, every year an assessment of progress is made and what needs to be strengthened so that the patient receives the necessary drugs, specialist treatments and up-to-date information about his case.

An interesting way to participate in this day is to use the hashtag # EuropejskiDdieńPrawPpatnta. Thanks to it, you can share an experience that will stimulate empathy, sensitize and raise awareness for different people.

Patient at the doctor's
Patients need to be an active part of the healthcare system and these initiatives foster their involvement in health matters.

What are patients’ rights promoted by the ACN European Patient Rights Day?

The guidelines from which the entire health movement emerged saw the light of day in 2002. This was after the Charter of Patients’ Rights was created, a document containing 14 laws that must be respected in various health centers.

1. Right to preventive measures

Every patient has the right to be informed of the relevant information in order to avoid and prevent a disease with a hidden risk of occurrence.

2. Right to medical care

The patient should be provided with the necessary medical care, avoiding all kinds of obstacles related to the financial capacity, type of disease and the country of origin of the affected person.

3. Right to truthful information

Moreover, the patient has an undisputed right to detailed information about his or her health condition. Additionally, you should consider innovative research that is related to a specific case.

4. Right to consent

The decision to take steps to deal with the health problem should be left to the patient who, after receiving all the necessary information about the risks, agrees or not to the procedure.

5. The right to free choice

There should be no pressure to be put on the patient in deciding about one or another of the treatments required by his or her situation. Thus, the patient must be completely free to choose at all times.

6. The right to confidentiality

A person has absolute power and the right to decide what happens to the information about his clinical case, that is, to whom the details can be disclosed. Therefore, confidentiality is inviolable.

The 7th European Patients’ Rights Day emphasizes the right to emergency treatment

In addition, the victim’s time must be respected. This means receiving treatment, procedure or care when your life is at stake.

8. The right to high-quality care

No discrimination is accepted in the care received by the patient. Thus, there is a right to healthcare which meets high quality standards throughout Europe.

9. The right to medical security

Inevitably, the safety of the person must also be guaranteed by protection against medical malpractice or defective services that do not comply with the minimum protocols.

10. Right to the latest technology

Lack of financial resources will not prevent the patient from accessing the most modern diagnostic methods, treatments and immediate care procedures.

11. The right to pain prevention

Within the framework of the resources available to the appropriate medical service, the patient has the right to avoid pain at any stage of the disease.

12. European Patients’ Rights Day supports the right to private healthcare

Personalization of treatment is an essential and inalienable benefit. This includes proper diagnoses as well as treatments and procedures.

13. Right to Non-compliance

If a patient feels affected by any action that they believe is the responsibility of the medical team that treated them, they may make a claim for an explanation or solution for what happened.

14. Right to remuneration or compensation

Compensation occurs when a citizen has suffered damage caused by treatment or medical equipment. In addition, the damage may include physical, moral and also psychological aspects.

Medical exams
Patients should receive the best quality of care with the resources available to their situation. This would ensure equality for all.

The European Patients ‘Rights Day draws attention to the respect of patients’ rights

It is important to enforce patient rights through a uniform code that benefits patients’ quality of life. Consequently, many lives can be saved by eliminating any sluggish approach to treatment in healthcare facilities.

On the other hand, another important point in strengthening the rights of patients is the promotion of a human approach in the provision of medical services. This should result in empathetic communication within the health system, which primarily aims to save lives.

European Patients’ Rights Day to improve systems

European Patients’ Rights Day represents the advancement of healthcare by giving greater importance to what is most precious: people’s lives. Of course, the road continues to be difficult and bumpy before the initiative is consolidated and works flawlessly.

Finally, in order to enforce patients’ rights, in the event of non-compliance with the rights, it will only be necessary to go to the official body in the city to file a claim and obtain a positive response. Health comes first!

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