Ery Pads For Acne: Precautions

More and more people are starting to use Ery Pads, which contain the antibiotic erythromycin. Today, we’re going to tell you about a few key precautions to keep in mind.
Ery Pads for Acne: Precautions

Although the Pads’ era is not new, it is becoming more and more popular thanks to social media. Ery Pads is a trademark of a specific version of the antibiotic erythromycin.

This means that the active ingredient is erythromycin, but it is sold in the form of wipes and cotton balls. However, this does not mean that it is not a drug and you still need a prescription for it.

The problem is that this product is recommended by people who are not healthcare professionals. We should also clarify that the box of the drug states that you must have a prescription from your doctor prior to purchase.

While this may seem like a cosmetic product, it really isn’t. As a rule, cosmetics do not contain active ingredients that penetrate the dermis. Erythromycin is absorbed through the skin, making it a topical drug.

This differentiation is also important because cosmetics and medicines have different rules. While cosmetics are available over the counter and can be purchased at various stores, drugs can only be purchased in certified locations – that is, simply, in pharmacies.

Ery Pads for acne use erythromycin at a concentration of 2%. This means that each wipe contains approximately twenty milligrams of antibiotic. In addition, each petal contains one milliliter of solution.

What is erythromycin, an ingredient in Ery Pads?

We mentioned that Ery Pads contains an antibiotic called erythromycin. This antibiotic belongs to a group called macrolides, which also contains clarithromycin or azithromycin.

Erythromycin can fight many different types of bacteria, but people mainly use it to treat acne. It works against the microorganism Propionibacterium acnes, which is associated with the formation of acne lesions.

Scientists have known this drug since the 1950s. In 1952, its discoverers published it to the scientific community. It was isolated as a product of a microorganism that lived in the soil of the Panay Islands in the Philippines.

Medicine has welcomed this discovery. However, over time, doctors began to limit its use to specific conditions such as acne.

Antibiotics in a vial

The antibiotic is targeted at a wide range of bacteria, including those difficult to treat such as spirochetes, mycoplasma, and chlamydia. It is the first choice antibiotic for some therapies. For example, it is crucial in treating Legionella, Campylobacter, and Bordetella infections.

Acne treatment

We need to understand that using the Era Pads for acne is one option among the many treatments available. First of all, it is important to understand that there are no magic solutions, only extended treatment options.

In addition to erythromycin, scientists are still researching other substances for their effects on acne. For example, benzoyl peroxide is often used with erythromycin to fortify it and prevent microbial resistance.

Benzoyl peroxide can also be combined with vitamin A derivatives called retinoids. This combination fights Propionibacterium acnes . It then exfoliates the skin cells to prevent clogging of the pores.

There are more options among antibiotics. One of them is, for example, doxycycline. It is taken orally, but it has an important side effect: sensitivity to light. When using it, the skin becomes very sensitive to sunlight. It can also cause extreme redness with little sun exposure.

Doxicillin is also combined with benzoyl peroxide and retinoids to take lower dosages and avoid microbial resistance. As you can see, while the Era of the Pads are a good option, they are not the only one.

Finally, isotretinoin is the final step in treatment if the above options don’t work. It is, in fact, the most effective treatment for acne. However, you have to be careful about its side effects on the liver. Therefore, doctors use this drug in special cases.

In addition, isotretinoin causes photosensitivity, as does doxycycline. In some cases, it also causes excessive dryness of the lips and nasal passages. Over time, this dryness can cause nosebleeds.

Acne treatment

Precautions to be taken when using Edy Pads

We mentioned above that Ery Pads are just one option in the acne medication group. Acne is a medical condition, not just a beauty effect. Therefore, your treatment must be medically targeted.

As Ery Pads contains erythromycin, the precautions to be taken are the same as for any other antibiotic.

Scientific studies have not established the safety of the use of erythromycin during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The antibiotic can cross the placenta and reach the fetus. Erythromycin has also been found in breast milk.

While it does not cause photosensitivity as is the case with other antibiotics, erythromycin can cause unwanted side effects on the skin, such as:

  • Erythema, or redness.
  • Dryness.
  • Pruritus : itching.
  • Pustular rash : blisters.

When using antibiotics, care should be taken as they can cause microbial resistance. In other words, the bacteria become more resistant to the drug. Then it’s harder to kill them.

If you have skin lesions, it’s always best to see your doctor and seek advice. Remember that medications like Ery Pads require a prescription from a specialist, and pharmacies cannot sell them to you without this.

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