Empty Stomach – 7 Things We Should Never Do

Although we may be accustomed to seemingly harmless habits, such as drinking coffee on an empty stomach, they can lead to unpleasant consequences – heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux.
An empty stomach - 7 things we should never do

The way we start our day can help keep us energized and in shape all day long. This is especially true if we consider what we do when our stomachs are empty.

Sometimes we develop habits that lead to unwanted effects, both on an emotional and physical level. These habits often seem “harmless”, but eating certain foods on an empty stomach can lead to unpleasant ailments over time. 

Therefore, today we would like to share 7 things that, for the sake of your health, you should not be fasting.

Read and discover!

1. Consuming anti-inflammatory drugs

You should not consume medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and generally non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on an empty stomach. This can lead to serious complications related to the digestive system.


Their ingredients can cause disturbances in the lining of the stomach and, in more serious cases, lead to bleeding.


  • To minimize the negative effects of NSAIDs, you should drink milk along with their consumption.
  • If you do not have milk on hand, wash it down with plenty of water.

2. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach

Many people have this habit of starting the day with a “boost of energy” in the form of a cup of coffee. They ignore any side effects that may be taking place.

While we cannot deny that this stimulating drink contains many nutrients and other benefits, drinking coffee on an empty stomach can be a harmful habit.

Even if it is decaffeinated coffee, it increases the production of acid in the stomach and can cause heartburn and acid reflux.


  • If drinking coffee at the beginning of the day is something you just can’t give up, drink it with milk or cream. The fat they contain will reduce the negative effects of coffee.
  • If you like tea, you should drink it instead of coffee. Natural smoothies can be another option.

3. Drinking alcoholic beverages

Drinking alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach can be potentially harmful to your liver, heart, and kidneys.

Our body absorbs alcohol on an empty stomach twice as fast as normal, which is almost the same as giving alcohol through a drip.


As if that were not enough, the elimination of toxins is slower, which only leads to a greater risk of alcohol poisoning and a stronger hangover.


  • If for any reason you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, try to eat something containing butter as soon as possible.
  • Avoid mixing alcohol with coffee or soda as this can increase its effect.

4. Chewing gum

When we chew gum, our body produces a substance called hydrochloric acid, which can lead to unwanted side effects if we have an empty stomach.

This bad habit affects the gastric mucosa and in the long run can cause serious problems such as gastritis.


  • If you are used to chewing gum, choose those that contain natural sweeteners.
  • Avoid chewing gums that contain sugar, cyclamate or aspartame.
  • Avoid chewing gum for more than 10 minutes, even if you are already eating.

5. Intensive exercise

There are many myths about morning exercise. There are some who believe that exercising on an empty stomach helps burn more calories.

However, it is highly unlikely that an empty stomach will affect the amount of calories you lose. On the contrary, it can even shrink muscle tissue.


We should remember that our body needs nutrients to start a new day with energy. By forcing him to exercise early in the morning to function, he will be reaching for his energy reserves.


  • Replace vigorous exercise with non-strenuous exercise.
  • Try to at least eat some fruit before exercising.
  • If you have any other digestive problems, eat something more decent before exercising.

6. Drinking citrus juice

Citrus juices are full of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients that have a very beneficial effect on our body.

Despite their advantages, they should not be drunk on an empty stomach, as they can irritate the gastric mucosa, especially if you suffer from digestive ailments.


  • If you want to drink citrus juice on an empty stomach, mix it with the same amount of water to avoid harmful effects.
  • Try to drink these types of juices at breakfast or in the early afternoon.

7. Getting into arguments

Scientists from the United States have proven that the feeling of hunger increases our irritability and, as a result, makes us more prone to arguments.

The woman rebukes the man

The brain needs energy sources to function and “control itself”, which explains why it is not a good idea to spend the day on an empty stomach.


  • If you don’t want to be full of negative emotions in the morning, as soon as you wake up, have a cup of tea together with one of your family members.
  • Try to eat breakfast for up to an hour after waking up.
  • This way you will undoubtedly improve your mood.

Do you identify with any of the habits in our article? now that you are aware of their negative effects, take the appropriate steps to correct them before they become a more serious problem.

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