Emotional Balance – How Do We Destroy It In 5 Ways?

Do you realize that sometimes we ourselves stand in the way of our happiness? Don’t put your dreams off until later.
Emotional Balance - How Do We Destroy It in 5 Ways?

Emotional balance  and a happy life are not given once and for all. These are very shaky and fragile structures that can collapse in the blink of an eye, like a house of cards.

It doesn’t matter that on the outside you can appear to be an extremely composed and determined person, while inside you there is real chaos and confusion.

Emotional balance  is the key to happiness, so it is worth taking care of it and organizing your inner world. Unfortunately, it often turns out that we ourselves are the greatest enemies of our happiness and that we stand on our way to achieving goals and dreams.

The good news is that emotional balance can be regained and rebuilt, but it requires a lot of love, support and self-awareness.

In today’s article, we want to share with you the 5 ways in which we most often damage our well-being. Thanks to this awareness, you will be able to give up these harmful emotional habits and sign a new contract with yourself.

You should be number one on your priority list. Learn to fight for yourself and your self-esteem. These are all small steps that lead to the great goal of your long and happy life.

1. Fatigue breeds discouragement

There are many different types of fatigue – from physical, short-term, or chronic, usually more mental. Mental fatigue is the result of long-term focus on a problem, focusing on achieving goals or constant emotional tension.

When we talk about concepts such as emotional balance and mental fatigue, we don’t mean any physical symptoms, reasons, or consequences.

The woman and the crows

Anxiety and insecurity based on dissatisfaction build up over time, and although they do not immediately show obvious symptoms, sooner or later they will lead to certain consequences.

If you lose yourself, your needs and your rights in your daily rush, it’s no wonder that you feel frustrated, discouraged and tired. Suppressing your emotions for too long is very dangerous for your psyche.

Emotional balance is the ability to take care of yourself – it’s time to start doing it.

2. Emotional balance is the art of saying “no”

We all say “yes” from time to time, even though our soul breaks out and screams “no”. It’s a survival strategy; willingness to adapt to others and belong to the group we want to be a permanent part of.

Going to someone else’s hand from time to time is not a bad thing, and it allows you to take care of social relationships. Unfortunately, when it becomes a habit, the consequences become severe.

Assertiveness is not synonymous with selfishness and arrogance. It is your right to say “no” whenever it is right and appropriate for you to do so. Get over the guilt.

3. Free yourself from emotional ties


Sometimes, even though everything in our life seems to be perfect and planned, we still feel some tear and anxiety in our hearts. It is a very common feeling if our emotional balance is disturbed by the limitations that some past relationships have placed on us.

The reasons for this may be unresolved problems, family conflicts, emotional dependence on a former partner or many others.

You need to take care of your mental health and disconnect yourself from everything that causes you to be in this state, preventing you from going boldly forward. Forgiveness is hard art, but in such situations it can not be overestimated.

Unfortunately, negative feelings such as regret, frustration, hatred or bitterness simply force you into the past, blocking your path to a new and better life.

4. Do you have the courage to feel for real?

Whether the problem is a job in which you feel underappreciated, friends who disappoint you, or a partner who is unwilling or unable to live up to your expectations, you need to face the truth and be able to diagnose what you feel and what is wrong in your life.

If you push all of these thoughts into your subconscious mind and pretend everything is going well for yourself, you actually tie your hands together and make it impossible for yourself to act.

By telling yourself that everything is fine and that no one is hurting you, you take away the chance for any change. In addition, you automatically assume that your feelings are less important than anything else, which automatically lowers your self-esteem.

Regardless of what you feel at the moment – let yourself feel truly and fully. Not always everything is as great as it seems at first glance. You have the right to impose certain conditions and require them to be met.

5. Your emotional balance – you harm it the most

Our emotional balance does not depend most on the people we surround ourselves with. In fact, most often we ourselves are our own worst enemies who stand in the way of happiness. How are you doing it?

  • You underestimate yourself and constantly compare yourself to others.
  • You put off your dreams and goals for later, you don’t believe that you can and can change anything.
  • Instead of looking for solutions, you focus on your pain and see only growing problems.
  • You dare not break with toxic relationships. You fear loneliness so much that it comes at the cost of your emotional balance and happiness.
  • You are your own enemy and you do not love yourself. Worse, you don’t think you deserve love.
  • You only see your failures, you do not see opportunities and opportunities.

In conclusion, let’s repeat once again – to be happy, you need to sign a certain contract with yourself. Promise yourself that from now on you will be the most important person in your life, that you will take care of yourself and allow yourself to be happy.

No more guilt and low self-esteem! Your life is yours.

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