Effective Exercises To Eliminate A Sagging Neck And Reduce A Double Chin.

Although the second chin is often caused by genetics and age, there are exercises that can help you get rid of it effectively.
Second chin - do these few simple exercises

The other chin is a formation around the neck that is by no means aesthetic. It consists of fat accumulated in this place. However, the second chin can be eliminated by performing certain exercises on a regular basis.

The causes of a double chin are varied. On the one hand, it could be caused by excessive fat build-up under the chin. Most often, this is because a person is overweight or obese.

On the other hand, the second chin is also formed by the accumulation of fat in people who do not have a problem with overweight or obesity. In this case, it is noted that genetic factors have a greater influence here.

Obese woman - chin

Ultimately, one of the reasons is also the loss of skin elasticity, which leads to sagging. In this case, it is not enough to get rid of the fatty tissue that accumulates in the chin area. Steps must also be taken to restore the skin’s former firmness and elasticity.

Second chin – exercise


This is the first exercise to reduce the second chin. It involves stretching the neck while bending the head back. At the same time, it is worth moving your eyes to the ceiling to help maintain the correct position.

  • Then fold your lips together as if you were to kiss them. You should pull them up as far as possible to feel the stretched muscles of the neck and chin.
  • Maintain the position for about 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise every day.

Extending the tongue

This is a very easy exercise. It is enough to pull out the tongue as much as possible.

  • Hold the position for about 15 seconds.
  • All you need to do is do 10 repetitions each day.

Turning the neck

To do this exercise, raise your chin slightly and move it from one shoulder to the other. 

Turning the Neck - Exercise
  • This movement should be made circularly.
  • The goal is to bring your chin closer to your chest as you move it.


Here is another easy-to-do exercise. To do them, you need to stand and straighten your back.

  • Now we should pronounce the individual vowels as accurately as possible, opening our mouths wide.
  • Due to the simplicity of this exercise, it is worth doing it several times a day.

Chin lift

To do this exercise, you must also stand upright.

  • Raise your chin looking at the ceiling and hold this position for about 10 seconds. While doing this, you should feel the effort and the tension in the muscles below the lower jaw.
  • Repeat this movement 10 times a day until you get the results you want.

Tongue movements

Due to its simplicity, this exercise can also be performed many times a day, regardless of where we are.

  • It is enough to make circular movements with the tongue, trying to reach the palate.
  • The exercise is easy to do, so it can be repeated many times a day.

Sad face

This exercise is very similar to the first exercise on our list, Kissing.

  • It is enough to make a sad face by pulling your lower lip downwards.
  • This will allow you to train the neck muscles responsible for proper skin tightening.

Chewing gum

Finally we come to the easiest exercise, which is simply chewing gum. It is worth using the sugar-free version for this purpose.

  • As you chew gum, you move the muscles responsible for tightening the skin in the area in question.

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