Drinks That Can Flatten The Belly

The stomach is the organ responsible for digesting the food and drink consumed. Some of them irritate the gastric mucosa, thus disrupting the basic functions of this important digestive organ.
Stomach Irritation - Drinks To Avoid!

The first stage of digestion of the food we eat takes place in the stomach. It should be noted that not only fatty and deep-fried foods delay processes and disrupt digestive processes, the same also applies to fluids supplied to the body. Some drinks irritate the stomach and adversely affect the work of the entire digestive system.

Try to avoid certain drinks as they irritate the gastric mucosa. Their frequent consumption causes pain, indigestion, constipation, etc.

If you want to take care of your health and prevent digestive problems, eliminate drinks that cause stomach irritation from your daily diet . You will feel the positive results after a few days. Find out which of the popular drinks are detrimental to your digestive health.

Beverages that may irritate the stomach

1. Alcohol

The most aggressive drink for our stomach is – without a doubt – alcohol. It negatively affects not only the functioning of the digestive system, but also the work of other organs of our body.

Due to the high level of toxicity, it is recommended to consume alcoholic beverages in small amounts or completely eliminate them from the diet. The ingredients contained in them disturb the proper functions of the liver, intestines, heart and other vital organs and systems.

It is worth realizing that the harmful effects of alcohol on our body are felt almost immediately after consuming an alcoholic drink. Apart from the feeling of relaxation, alcohol gives us nothing more – it provides absolutely no nutrients and is very caloric.

Colorful drinks

Moreover, alcoholic beverages have strong diuretic properties, which can lead to severe dehydration if consumed in excess. This is one of the main reasons why a hangover occurs.

The influence of alcohol on our body

Any drink containing alcohol is more or less toxic to our body. Remember that the higher the percentage, the more negative the impact on health. And if we combine it with other commercial drinks, we get a real bomb that is toxic to our body.

In general, all colorful drinks also contain unimaginable amounts of sugar, which makes them not only toxic but also caloric. Frequent consumption of this type of drink increases the risk of developing many different, often very serious, diseases.

The most frequently consumed alcoholic beverages that destroy our stomach

High-percentage tinctures

This is one of the types of alcohol frequently recommended for frequent consumption by physicians and health nutritionists. The degree of harmfulness of this drink depends, inter alia, on the type of distillation used.

Fruit tinctures in general are also characterized by a huge addition of refined sugar and over 50% alcohol content – a mixture that will undoubtedly irritate the stomach of all of us.

Sweet liqueurs

Anise for better digestion. In fact, instead of making digestion easier, it causes stomach irritation and the unpleasant ailments that come with it. The base of anise vodka is, among others, pure vodka (45˚), sugar, vanilla sugar and citric acid. The energy value of one glass is about 300 calories.

Cocktails, rum and vodka

  • All kinds of colorful cocktails are high in calories. Usually they are prepared on the basis of rum, tequila, gin, vodka … Additionally, they are mixed with sweetened carbonated drinks or sweet syrups. One colorful drink is even 600 calories!
  • Rum is a high-strength alcoholic drink made from fermented sugar cane juice, a concentrate of this juice, or molasses.
  • Rum does not have a strictly defined production method, it depends on the place where it is made. However, there is no doubt that this drink is very caloric (one glass is about 250 calories). It is used as a base for various cocktails, including mojitos and cuba libre


Toast cuba libre
  • Vodka is undoubtedly at the top of the list of our favorite alcohols. Many of us are in the habit of mixing it with popular energy drinks. It is also undoubtedly the most caloric of all spirits and the most aggressive – for many of us, it causes stomach irritation and a variety of digestive ailments.

2. Stimulating drinks

Coffee, black tea and all kinds of carbonated drinks are not easily absorbed by our stomach. Therefore, you should be reasonable and not overuse them, because in excess they lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa and pain, burning, indigestion, heartburn or a feeling of heaviness.

Stimulant drinks contain ingredients that irritate the delicate wall of the stomach and intestines. The second important factor is the tendency of this type of drink to acidify the body (low pH). If consumed in excess, it can lead to stomach ulcers in the long run

A cup of coffee in your hands

3. A mixture of energy drinks with alcohol

The combination of energy drinks with alcohol is extremely harmful to the health of our body. Their consumption increases the risk of various disorders of the digestive system, metabolic processes and insomnia.

What’s more, this type of high-alcohol drinks can lead to acute dehydration of the body due to the high concentration of alcohol contained in them and the high calorific value.

Carbonated drink from a can

Among other consequences, the frequent poisoning with high-percentage alcohol should also be mentioned. The combination of vodka with substances with an energetic effect not only intoxicates and gives a kick at the same time, but above all harms health, leads to stomach irritation and causes many other, more and more serious, ailments over time.

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