Discover 10 Benefits Of A Glass Of Water On An Empty Stomach!

Discover the 10 benefits of a glass of water on an empty stomach!

Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach is one of the best habits you can have in your daily life. Perhaps for many of us it does not matter much, but actually drinking water right after waking up benefits our body much more than at any other time of the day.

Drinking water on an empty stomach

During the night rest, our body performs extremely important functions: it carries out the process of regeneration of damaged cells and cleanses internal organs – it separates toxins from other substances and prepares them for excretion.

This is why drinking water on an empty stomach is crucial in detoxifying the body. Just one glass of this liquid is able to remove toxins and harmful substances accumulated throughout the night from our body.

Many people choose a different drink in the morning, but water remains the healthiest one, according to countless studies. Below are the 10 most important benefits that water provides to our body right after waking up.

Takes care of skin health

Healthy skin

A glass of water in the morning has a very positive effect on the health and beauty of our skin.

Our body needs an adequate dose of hydration before it begins its daily functioning. Thanks to it, skin cells become stronger, it is easier to remove toxins – and thus, it is easier to maintain a healthy and smooth skin.

It has a diuretic effect

In order for the kidneys to properly filter and remove toxins and harmful substances, their work should be stimulated by consuming plenty of fluids. Water on an empty stomach helps to remove contaminants built up in the kidneys as it stimulates the process of removing toxins along with urine.

Moisturizes the lymphatic system

Water supplied to the body on an empty stomach adequately moisturizes the lymphatic system and helps to avoid overloading the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of cortisol. This compound regulates the body’s response to stress.

It improves digestion

Proper digestion and a flat stomach

By serving water to the body on an empty stomach, we stimulate our digestive system: water helps to remove toxins, improves intestinal peristalsis and prepares it for digestion.

Speeds up the metabolism

Consuming water is key to the proper functioning of the kidneys, which are responsible for the body using fat as a source of energy, and not accumulating it in the form of excess kilograms.

When the body is not properly hydrated, the liver performs this task, which can lead to its overload. Then, liver function disorders, various diseases and a slowdown in the metabolic rate appear.

It improves physical fitness

The appropriate level of body hydration improves the work of joints, muscles and tendons. It is recommended to drink water on an empty stomach each morning in order to provide sufficient fluid and energy for the next day.

Regular athletes should increase their daily fluid intake to replenish the water lost during exercise.

It prevents urinary tract infections

Inflammation of the bladder

Regular drinking of water on an empty stomach lowers the risk of developing urinary tract infections, such as cystitis. Infections occur when the body is dehydrated and the kidneys do not have enough fluid available.

It fights excessive water retention in the body

Excessive fluid retention in tissues is often caused by excess sodium in the body and is a result of poor eating habits. Drinking plenty of water helps to remove excess fluid, reduces swelling and prevents the development of various diseases.

Heals various ailments

Numerous studies show a link between increased water consumption and the reduction of symptoms associated with diseases such as arthritis, tachycardia, asthma, bronchitis, kidney disease, constipation, premenstrual syndrome, migraines, etc.

Regulates body temperature

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps regulate body temperature – thereby facilitating the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells.


The benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach are indisputable, but remember that one glass in the morning is not enough, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day at different times.

Also, do not exceed the recommended daily amount of water, as this may have a negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys. Although water is very healthy for our body, its excess can lead to its overload and kidney dysfunction.

A good solution to avoid exceeding your daily water requirements is to use the following formula: divide your weight (in kilograms) by 30 and you will get the number of liters of water you should drink per day. For example, a person weighing 60 kg should drink about 2 liters of fluid a day.

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