Disappointment – How To Come Out Stronger?

The moment we recognize disappointment as a natural part of our lives, it will cease to rule us. It will also not be able to inflict so much pain on us, because we will neutralize it in a natural way.
Disappointment - How Can You Get Out Stronger?

You feel a stone in your throat and your stomach feels uncomfortably tight. You can’t breathe freely. You have fallen into the abyss, disappointment has caught you and you do not know if there is anything good in your life.

However, no matter how difficult it may seem, you can get out of the hole into which disappointment has pushed you . You can come out even smarter and stronger because it is the most difficult moments that give us the most valuable lessons. When it hurts so much, we learn not to let ourselves get hurt again.

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to put effort into changing some learned habits, even those that were hitherto unaware. We mean, for example, expectations, i.e. ideas about the other person that have nothing to do with reality, are unreal.

It turns out, however, that every expectation collapses over time. It bends under the crushing force of reality and everyday life. This is where disappointment arises.

1. Disappointment: Speak openly about your feelings

The best way to come out stronger when disappointed is to express your feelings clearly. Not only to share your feelings with others, but also to relieve yourself.

While you may not believe it, uttering aloud the pain of disappointment may open your eyes to many factors that, if you hadn’t, you might have missed it altogether.

Woman with a dandelion

For example, you may realize that you have created a false image of a human in your head, and that you have come to believe that there is something unreal that never happened.

Speaking out loud about how you are feeling will also help regulate your emotions. You are able to face them as soon as you cry out all the anger and frustration you feel.

You absolutely need to recognize your emotions, and then identify them properly and – above all – stop suppressing, releasing them. This way, they won’t nestle in you and let you move forward.

You will quickly find that once you confide in what you are feeling, your well-being will improve. As long as you didn’t keep anything to yourself and let it all out.

2. What have you learned?

Therefore, when you experience it, don’t feel like a victim. Think of yourself as a privileged person. For the more we live and experience in life, the more we learn about ourselves and about others.

The woman looks down with disappointment written on her face

We become aware of our shortcomings and flaws the moment we meet new people. In some way independent of us, we tend to idealize new people we meet to be what we would like them to be.

Time to realize that we wait too long and demand a lot from others instead of ourselves. It is a real lottery game because we never know if we will get what we expected.

People make various decisions and make changes in their lives. Sometimes even the smallest changes can be painful for us. Expecting nothing from others saves us a lot of pain and suffering.

3. Trust others again

This is the most difficult but also the most important part of the whole process. Trust people who may fail us again. Not all people are the same, but the truth is, we shouldn’t let ourselves go blind. Everyone can improve their behavior and change the next day.

It is possible, it really is. Our big problem, however, is that we wait and wait… We wait endlessly for things to turn out the way we want.

It is very important to learn to trust people again, but according to the rules we presented to you earlier. Give up empty expectations and idealizing. Open your eyes and face reality.

Heart painted on the wall

It is very difficult, but with a little patience you can achieve this state of mind.

The smartest, but also the most difficult solution will be to enjoy the here and now and be content with the bonds we create with the people around us. There is no point in imagining too much and fantasizing about the wonderful life we ​​will have in the future with the man who makes us happy today.

The woman listens to the shells

It is not that the latter let us down. It is just the invisible blindfold that we wear over our eyes that makes us stumble painfully over reality.

Perhaps you’ve been blind for a long time, and it’s time to finally open your eyes to what is happening. If you are realistic from the outset, there will be no disappointment. That is why it is worth changing ideas into reality and expectations for what is certain.

The time has come to consider disappointment as a natural part of life, an inevitable step on the way to experience. Don’t run away from mistakes. For out of all of them you will come out stronger.

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